Is Republican majority good for the stock market?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by buzzy2, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. ohmigosh, can there be ANYTHING more superficial and reeking of hope rather than fact than what democrat politics has thrown at us since er, since its inception????

    btw, defecit reductions and lower spending are on the democrat agenda now? smacks of more "hope rather than fact" :D
    #11     Nov 7, 2002
  2. Nah, we will just issue more and more debt. Bring back the 30-yr.
    #12     Nov 7, 2002
  3. What democrats say or think is irrelevant, it's what Republicans do what matters in the next two years, they have the majority.
    And, daniel_m yes, the democrats are more anti-deficit than republicans these days. This government received a surplus, not one year passed and we are now back in a deficit.
    #13     Nov 7, 2002
  4. Very good point, but bonds have to be paid back some day too... with taxes....
    #14     Nov 7, 2002
  5. Almost true, except they pay these bonds back by selling more Bonds/Notes/Bills. The debt gets refinanced all the time. Ever look at the Treasury auctions?
    #15     Nov 7, 2002
  6. Pretty weird that a republican is not concerned about public debt growing out of control, but it confirms my suspicions. You cannot refinance government debt without limit... you want the US economy to become like Brazil or Argentina??
    Republicans used to be the champions of economic responsability... not anymore...
    #16     Nov 7, 2002
  7. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    I think there is a lot of government costs we could get rid of.
    But we do need services and police and such.
    So I think there is no answer to who is better.
    Sometimes I just think we vote for the better liar.
    #17     Nov 7, 2002
  8. It always amazes me how people will look at the size of government and think it is fixed so the only way to pay for it is to raise taxes. Government needs to be shrunk down and less intrusive as well as more efficient like the original architects intended

    Anyone who can see through their biasness can see after the reagan tax cuts tax revenue increased and put America on course for the biggest bull market in history. The deficits were not caused by tax cuts they were caused by the cold war, a war we are not in today.
    #18     Nov 7, 2002
  9. bobcathy1

    bobcathy1 Guest

    Maybe we can turn the government into a business and sell stock in it. Require that it makes a profit. I think that is what Ross Perot wanted to do.
    #19     Nov 7, 2002
  10. yes, Mr. Ponzi would be proud :D
    #20     Nov 7, 2002