Is My Thinking Right?

Discussion in 'Options' started by Arnie Guitar, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. smilingsynch is right, your risk is double.
    Your new position is short the 140 and long the 120. Max risk is 140-120-credit=20-1/spread=19/spread, i.e. 1900x10=$19000 risk to make $1000. However, your roi stays the same, i.e. 1000/19000 x 100% ~ 5%.
    daddy's boy
    #11     Dec 7, 2006
  2. Don't feel bad when I first read your post I couldn't see the mistake either. However, whenever I see a trade that looks that bad I always say "is there a way to profit by taking the other side".

    Generally if there is a mistake you'll find it trying to model the other side of the trade.

    #12     Dec 7, 2006