Is Landis82 a racist?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Steelers Baby, Dec 21, 2009.

Is Landis82 a Racist?

  1. Yes, he attacked someone based on their ethnicity and is therefore a racist.

    5 vote(s)
  2. No, it is not, while you are not allowed to question anything a black president says or does it is o

    2 vote(s)
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  1. It is called typos you moron, and no i dont bother to take the time and go back and correct places where i mistyped, I know how to spell but unfortunately i dont spend all my tmie on an internet forum practicing my typing, like you. Anyone who cant cleatrly see that where i have misspelled a word it is a typo is a total fucking idiot.
    #21     Dec 21, 2009
  2. Actually, that statement was based partly on facts and partly on demographic assumptions. The two worst racists I've ever encountered here were both Caucasian - I've seen one guy's picture and the other guy admitted it in private correspondence. Also, I think that the large majority of members here are white, so it's likely that a sample of the most virulent racists will be similarly distributed. Make sense?
    #22     Dec 21, 2009
  3. So then obviously you would agree based on demographic assumptions that when someone says they are malaysian it is also safe to assume they are not white right?
    #23     Dec 21, 2009
  4. lol... too bad an examination of the layout of the keyboard puts the lie to the idea that those were typos.

    I won't go into the sentence construction of that last doozy in your para quoted above. Honest question, were you educated in the States, and if so did you graduate high school?

    In any case, you're in way over your head here, junior. Best just to drop it.

    Please, I'm asking nicely, what username do you usually use?
    #24     Dec 21, 2009
  5. Statistically, of course! You can assume they are not white as long as your model accounts for the possibility that they are.
    #25     Dec 21, 2009

  6. Duh....ya' think? Thanks for the lesson. Asshole and twerp.
    #26     Dec 21, 2009
  7. i spelled the word tirades with a y which is 2 letters off
    had all the letters in rhetoric right but misplaced them, and accidentally added an e to credentials where only a fucking idiot could think one belongs. Since you are not smart enough to believe these could be typos there is no point in engaging you anymore, welcome to ignore.

    racist tyrades

    racist rehotric

    no ceredentials
    #27     Dec 21, 2009
  8. No problem, and welcome to ET.. unless you're another one of these fuckstick cowards like Steeler CryBaby who feel the need to register a different username every week because they don't have the balls to own their 'opinions'. In which case, go fuck yourself.
    #28     Dec 21, 2009
  9. So far statstics quite clearly point out what i already knew to begin with, 100% of people to answer so far believe Landis82 is a racist.
    #29     Dec 21, 2009
  10. Ricter


    It is not "safe", it is merely probable. Still, telling someone to go back to their country is merely nationalistic until they mention some racial attribute as well. You are trying to make this connection based on multiplying the probability that jekyllus is non-"white" (99%, unadjusted by computer ownership, English speaking, etc.) by the probability that Landis used a racial attribute (0%), or your guess.
    #30     Dec 21, 2009
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