God, how I have come to hate long weekends! Life is not worth living when the market is closed... Why do they do this to us?
While I don't happen to take your point of view, it reminds me of a quote by one of the great circus wire acts, and he said something along the lines of "The high-wire is life itself, and everything else is just waiting around..." Good trading on Tuesday.
Wonderful quote Magna!!! " Being on the tightrope is living; everything else is waiting" --- Karl Wallenda ( circus performer ) One of my favs. Allenz
One of these days, the promise of true 24/7 global markets will materialize, and then, we can all be like Carl Wallenda, and live on the tightrope all the time!!! Until then, read a book, have a family, smell the roses.......
... or London ( www.londonstockexchange.com, www.liffe.com ), Frankfurt ( www.deutsche-boerse.com, www.eurexchange.com ) etc. ... regards wild
I really wonder if 24/7 trading is going to be a good thing. The way it is now, there is so much pent up energy when the market opens that you get a couple of hours of real action. If trading is continous what will happen to volatility? Be careful what you wish for.........