This is the kind of discussion I was hoping for in the "worst market ever?" thread i started - the "climate" today compared to other "down" periods in history. Here's an editorial from the Atlantic Journal: "The world is too big for us. Too much going on, too many crimes, too much violence and excitement. Try as you will you get behind in the race, in spite or yourself. It's an incessant strain, to keep pace...and still, you lose ground. Science empties its discoveries on you so fast that you stagger beneath them in hopeless bewilderment. The political world is new seen so rapidly you're out of breath trying to keep pace with who's in and who's out. Everything is high pressure. Human nature can't endure much more!" The interesting thing is it appeared on June 16, 1833. Further evidence, I think, that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Then again, I'm only 25, so whada I know.
We are quite clearly in a bear market. Still more overvalued then the tulips (1929 is still a mole hill) Even more corrupt then [can't think of anything that even comes close]. Still dumber than forest gump = US public/fund managers etc. There has been some positioning towards the long side. This is nothing unusual. This will be just another bear market rally. Unlikely dow 300. More likely an Asia like failing where things climb down by over half over a number of years just a thought If the S&P earnings doubled and rose to PEAK levels and earnings grew at their long run average, the S&P would spend over 5 years going nowhere before they got to their average PER to peak earnings. Bills still have to be paid. Hard when your throwing money you don't have on the fire. Growth funded by debt is not sustainable. To quote a well known line. "The economy (and dollar) is PRETTY FAR from OK." i.e. has a very sore anus. Don't get rid of your gold just yet.
Yes but at the very end Sully was in Mulders arms while Mulder-himself the perpetual pessimist- told Sully that "Maybe there was hope after all." PS As I submitted the previous post I said to myself "How long til thuglife responds to this one." You beat my estimate.
Well I for one care a great deal. I think it would be rather hard to spend our well earned capital (earned on the short side mind you) with that damn pesky radiation fallout floating around everywhere, or airborne Ebola particles waiting to enter my biosystem, etc. Or what about those crazy trigger happy National Guardsman driving around shooting on sight just because the President declared Martial Law over the whole country in response to the 75,000,000 dead after the viral outbreak?! I may be wrong but it could be a little inconvenient on those of us who were sitting pretty on a pile of trading profits.
"Then again, I'm only 25, so whada I know." You know enough not to take this stupid thread seriously. I have prediction too. If something really bad happens it'll be at a time people least expect it. How many of you guys were in Jeruzalem in 2000 waiting for the world to end?? How about Y2K problem everybody predicted? Go read history books to get perspective that shit actualy happens.
Reading all these really make me think maybe we should reset all indice to zero, bankrupt all those companies, get the stock market start all over again.
LOL, na, the indepth research came from sources out of Dismal Science reports, Whitehouse leaking info to our press, on purpose and technical indicators. The Elliot Wave theory is something I have read, but have not traded off. I think Vic Niederhoffer can answer the Elliot Wave Theory better than I. It is mostly a gut feeling, besides, i see half my loft complex empty, the cant sell them at a half million, they cant sell at 400 thousand. I know of seven people on my block laid off, due to companies going bust, not downsizing. I still see the BMWs and the little corporate yuppies buying the Boxer.....these are the sheep, as long as those idiots continue to spend, spend, spend, i will remain bearish. Terrorist event is self evident, as the vice president stated. Do you really think they are just guessing??????? If you believe we are truly safe, you must believe that Princess DI was not murderd by the Queen and BLood Line represented. You must believe that it was an accident, that is why the body guard walk away right? LOL........regardless of a crash or a rally, just keep this market moving one way, ohhh yes, Watch the VIX, lets see what that indicates.