Is Gold The Savior When The Markets Crash?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Scataphagos, Oct 5, 2018.

  1. Lots of people touting this notion.

    However... from the 2007 top to the bottom of the decline...

    1. Gold lost ~ 33%

    2. Gold miner stocks lost ~ 80%

    Some say, "it will be different this time". Will it?

    birdman and FibonacciNinja like this.
  2. But Cramer said so! It's the only way to have portfolio protection! /sarcasm
  3. MarkBrown


    actually bullets are the new currency.
  4. Yeah, well... Cramer doesn't know "come here from sick' em". He hasn't made a nickel since his wife made his stock picks.

    (JK... just being a little bitchy... since I one time queried him about something, and he suggested I "take a pill" :))
    FibonacciNinja likes this.
  5. Was the pill from his favorite "BRISTOL MYYYERS!"? (I just like the way he says it)
  6. ElCubano


    Antibiotics, seeds, bullets and having several of same guns so as to be able to interchange if damaged to one.
  7. dealmaker


    Read "When Money Dies" by Adam Fergusson. It's up-to one's world view, if one believes there is another WWII type of event on the horizon that will disrupt the world for a sustained period of time and weak central authority then gold makes sense otherwise it's a waste IE it has not intrinsic value; doesn't pay dividends/ interest, if you were to buy a substantial amount you'll have to pay for it to be stored etc..
    During the recent credit crisis we did have disruption but not weak central authority.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2018
  8. When reading the thread title, I was going to answer no and point to the same facts that you pointed to. lol

    Only people who believe that gold is some sort of safe haven during times of economic crisis are those who sell gold. If someone is worried about some sort of economic apocalypse food guns/ammo is what you need to be focused on.
    JSOP likes this.
  9. maler


    A WWII type event will likely render the northern hemisphere uninhabitable.
    If you are still alive after such an event, fresh water, food and a dependable tribe to help you ward off the raiders that just showed up at your door are more important than gold.
    dealmaker likes this.
  10. JSOP


    When it's REALLY REALLY REALLY crashed, maybe but when it's just minor corrections here and there, no. I find gold doesn't coincide perfectly with the market. Sometimes when the market is dropping, it drops too.
    #10     Oct 5, 2018