Is ET representative of the current world mindset

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by jjf, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. madknock


    should we follow rules? i mean, so when you die, you can say , "yes, you did everything to stay in line" and that will make you a "good" rule follower in the end. most of the world are following rules at this very moment, that is the current world mindset. i think ET has a specific portion of those rule followers here. it is training, most humans are trained. as for representation? no, the aggression of ET posters on avg should be higher than the rest of the planets, the motivation of traders is religion based being that money and religion are the same. money, the newest version of religion, a unified church so to speak. and the money hungry will be more aggressive than the spiritually hungry.
    #21     Dec 1, 2009
  2. jorgez


    You seem to combine religion and spirituality into one and the same thing.

    Is this because you have thought through this matter very carefully or is it because you have not thought it through at all.
    #22     Dec 1, 2009
  3. madknock


    well, obviously ive thought it through, religion and those that are spiritually hungry go together, spiritually hungry=weak, religion exploits the weak

    ill take a wild guess , george, youre roman catholic?
    #23     Dec 1, 2009
  4. jorgez


    You are right, it is a wild guess, I am not RC.
    But that is not going to help you in your quest to understand the difference between spiritually and religion.
    #24     Dec 1, 2009
  5. madknock


    i promise you its not a quest, its a rude generalization of bs this world does not need, spirituality, or religion-- all mental crutches for people that delude themselves as to the truth of what our existence has become
    however, being you have opened your mouth and seem to have a firm grasp of whats correct and incorrect in terms of religion and spirituality, lets hear how your mind works through all those impressions
    #25     Dec 1, 2009
  6. jorgez


    Would it be fair to say that you see yourself as an open minded curious person with a hunger for reality.
    #26     Dec 1, 2009
  7. madknock


    no, i am just short of that, i am only at the point of asking those who seem to know all about reality(religion and spirituality) , what they are and why they are, to answer these questions of mine. i am no expert, but i am sure those that pray and kneel and defend or even just simply replying to my post, surely can enlighten me
    #27     Dec 1, 2009
  8. jorgez


    Let us hope that people who "pray and kneel and defend" join in this thread and enlighten you.
    #28     Dec 1, 2009
  9. madknock


    join you? you havent said much
    tho it did sound like the beginnings of religious fanatisism
    #29     Dec 1, 2009
  10. jorgez


    The first law of trading (probably the only law really) is never ever assume anything.

    Observe, think and then act, but never ever "assume"

    Follow this and your trading can only improve.

    Come to think of it, it probably wouldn't hurt to apply it into life in general.
    #30     Dec 1, 2009