Is Benzinga Pro actually real-time?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by GotherL, May 22, 2020.

  1. Metamega


    The only use I’ve ever found in news is figuring out why they moved not if their going to move.

    People are hush hush about their strategies but I’ve heard of algos sparsing news, sometimes they get it wrong and you’ll see a weird spike, they sparse Twitter. Heard on a podcast once about analyzing gps footage with algorithm to try and predict sales at store or agriculture crops.

    Hard for retail, need the venture capitol and employees to tackle it.
    #11     May 22, 2020
    FTDK and Sekiyo like this.
  2. lmao. ur questioning algos reading the news? ur kidding right. the news is first disseminated to those who are in the know. then those who pay or paid then the articles reports are converted to readable computer code and walla they have the news n the order book loaded up to win!! its been like this for years!! if you want proof then google it cuz ur lazy and behind the times try n keep up because once again right here right now you are beat because you got old news! benzinga pro is delayed compared to bloomberg
    #12     May 22, 2020
    qlai and _eug_ like this.
  3. GotherL


    Yep, I am pretty sure algos are hitting the morning news hard cause everytime it would spike even before I get a chance to read it. I just gave up trying to trade on news.
    #13     May 22, 2020
    tradingismybusiness likes this.
  4. GotherL


    #16     May 22, 2020
  5. faltd


    Almost all premium newswire offer APIs and elementized news feeds. And as matter of fact, almost all news feeds sell enterprise licenses where there news is disseminated earlier than on their broad news tapes. The only exceptions are economic releases that are regulated and must be disseminated to the broad public at the same time. Even Benzinga sells an api accessible feed that publishes their stories and alerts earlier than what you see on your feed. This is the truth in the financial industry. The more you pay the more and earlier access you get.

    The closest you get to Realtime releases is Twitter nowadays. Invest a lot of time to tweak and customize your Twitter lists and feed and you get better Premium news than what even Bloomberg or Refinitiv or Dow-Jones can offer. Almost every professional trader nowadays uses Twitter at their desk. Guess were those data companies get their information from what Trump says or that North Korea conducted another missile teat (which impacts South Korean stocks and Kospi significantly enough to provide good trading opportunities)? Yes, Twitter. You wanna pay thousands of dollars for some editor to type up a headline or for some data houses to automatically process such content off Twitter and get it to you or you want to get it right off the source? Then take Twitter more seriously. It's a very powerful tool if used in the right way.

    If you are technically inclined you may even want to hook up to the Twitter api and apply NLP and train a model to filter out irrelevant content. Not easy but there is a lot of work done in this space and those firms who are good at that can charge top dollar for licenses to investment banks and hedge funds.

    Last edited: May 22, 2020
    #17     May 22, 2020
  6. As someone who works in this space as part of his 9-5/non-trading job -- yes, you can do that, but the infrastructure to get firehose API access and process that much data efficiently through NLP is going to cost you big.
    #18     May 22, 2020
  7. faltd


    Agreed, which is what I said. Hence, best recommendation is to start with tweetdeck and compiling a few lists to get a curated feed going for discretionary trading.

    #19     May 23, 2020
  8. FTDK


    Probably Bloomberg terminal.
    #20     May 23, 2020