Is being profitable the most important?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by TSaimoto, Nov 3, 2002.

  1. nice post:)
    #71     Nov 5, 2002
  2. axeman,

    you are a young fella. Fairly fresh out of college. Your posts demonstrate intelligence and one could easily discern that you are a bright person from reading them.

    And I suspect that you are making some money trading. I don't know if you ever hooked up with a trading firm, but I know you trade. Because of your age and trading experience, I suspect that you are still seeking that fat payday. Hopefully I am wrong and you actually have a ferrari in the garage, and a pool in the back yard, etc. I hope you are speaking from experience and have made a ton of dough already. But I bet not.

    I, too, have noticed that some people without something will say that having that something does not bring happiness. But I tend to see a certain bitterness with that response. A bitterness that says, it might not bring happiness, but I'd like to find out.

    Then there are those who have achieved the fat payday... like myself...who can say from experience that money isn't everything. Love isn't everything, but not having it is worse. Sex isn't everything, but not having it is worse. Food isn't everything, but not having it is worse. Good health isn't everything, but as an MD I have seen many many people who would trade their money for some good health. Not having it is worse.

    So it is all a matter of perspective. For me, and some others who have posted and sent PM's, the Lord is the only thing that is everything, meets every need, satisfies every hunger, quenches every thirst.

    #72     Nov 5, 2002
  3. For the record... im in my mid thirties.

    I make a great living. Im very comfortable.
    I have it better than most of my personal friends.

    But I wish to switch to trading fulltime.
    Ive been trading about a year now and am profitable.
    However, not enough. Still learning.

    As for the lord, etc... I guess you need to read that
    other very long thread :D

    I dont believe in god or any of these other things
    which I simply consider mythology.
    I was a believer long ago and it never brought me happiness.
    I wont start another religious thread here, so lets leave it at that.
    You believe, I dont.

    I agree with the rest of your post.
    Not having something is typically worse.

    That said... I currently have it all, except the TIME
    freedom that fulltime trading could give me.

    That my why I trade.

    For me, having fun, is the only thing that is everything,
    meets every need, satisfies every hunger,
    quenches every thirst. :D

    Having as much fun in this world before I am gone, is
    my primary goal. Right now im optimizing my life
    by switching tracks to a career that will allow me to
    spend more time having fun. Plain and simple.



    #73     Nov 5, 2002
  4. axeman I just searched your posts and see that you participated vigorouly, and astutely in the Regarding the Existence thread. I di not participate. For me it is a matter of faith and God has revealed His hand in my life time and time again so I don't even question it. Therefore, I am not good at those types of discussions and stay out of them.

    But I must apologize to you. While reading thru your post headings I saw you say, paraphrased, "I assume your talking to me and not axehawk." LOL uh ohhhh..... So I searched axehawks posts and immediateky knew I had mixed you two up.

    I apologize for the mistaken conclusions about your age and status etcetera. Hey, in fact, as a moderator, I think I can still delete my earlier post, which if I can, I will do so and add that I had mixed up you with another member.

    Sorry axeman. My bad.


    Well I see that I could not edit my previous post. For continuity I will not ask the moderator of this forum to strike what I wrote. But again, I apologize to you axeman.
    #74     Nov 5, 2002
  5. Inandalong-I appreciate and agree with your posts very much.

    I came to know the Lord about 30 years ago through several experiences that left me with little choice. At that time I thought I might lose my wife (due to sickness). She is the only girlfriend I ever had since childhood and my very best friend. While she was on the operating table I finally prayed to God that if He would give her back then I was His. Within a few moments while she was still on the operating the adoption agency that we had been working with called to say we had a son. So when she came too I had her back and she had a son that she had been praying for.
    As far as I am concerned miracles are common events that have divine timing.
    As for how this relates to trading and doing so profitably. As I reflect back over my life I have had some great trades and at times have made a lot of money but the memories I cherish are the ones that helped someone other than me. Take a friend from another culture and country who told me he was 47 years old and had been in jail 47 times. All this was related to alcohol. I will never forget the day he made his decision and for nearly 20 years has not had a drink, that day is more vivid to me than the big gains.:)
    #75     Nov 5, 2002

  6. you got a spelling problem, buddy...
    #76     Nov 5, 2002