Is 75% of successful forecasts on close price enough for profitable trading?

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by gon, Dec 10, 2017.

  1. userque



    I use mathematical and intuitive approaches. The intuitions may be relied upon until such time that additional testing/research can confirm/reject those hypotheses. At that point, the intuitive parameters are replaced with the mathematical results of the testing/research.
    #41     Jan 7, 2018
    gon likes this.
  2. gon


    Indeed, when I was trying the model what I got was a better intuitive knowledge of price action.
    #42     Jan 7, 2018
    userque likes this.
  3. ironchef


    Let me see if I understand what you are saying: 75% probability of prediction is not the same as positive profit expectancy? In other words, just like selling OTM options, one has usually > 80% win probability but the 20% that you lose can wipe you out?
    #43     Jan 7, 2018
  4. ironchef


    Thank you.

    I read the two articles you posted prior. Very interesting, I used to try modeling using similar parameters listed by the papers but did not (and did not know how to) apply machine learning. Basically I used multi parameters regression to try forecast. It didn't work very well for me.

    Question: Do you have any suggestion how I can learn Support Vector Machine learning, or are there software package that can do SVM?

    #44     Jan 7, 2018
  5. sle


    Exactly. It does not have to be options, there are a lot of strategies on linear instruments that are asymmetric by nature. Let's say you're an HFT trader and are making markets in a stock X. You don't really try to do anything sophisticated, simply buy for the bid and right away try sell at the offer. The median result of each trade will be the bid/ask spread (let's say 1 cent), but once in a blue moon when you are sitting on the bid, news come out and the stock moves $1 down.
    #45     Jan 7, 2018
    digitalnomad likes this.
  6. gon


    I use this:
    #46     Jan 8, 2018
  7. Are you making a one day ahead forecast, up or down, of a two day moving average? If so, your null is 75% accuracy, your model is adding nothing. Just guess up if today's close is above MA2 and guess down if below. You'll be right 75% of the time. If the math of why is beyond you, here is a simulation that illustrates the point:

    > require(quantmod)
    > a <-data.frame(rnorm(10001))
    > b <- cbind(a,c(rollmean(a$rnorm,2),0))
    > colnames(b) <- c('Returns','MA2')
    > (sum(sign(b$Returns * b$MA)+1)-1)/20000
    [1] 0.7533
    #47     Jan 8, 2018
    trader42, gon and userque like this.
  8. gon


    Totally agree.
    #48     Jan 8, 2018