Is 56 winners out of 64 total positions a good trading record?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by mrmarket, Mar 2, 2004.

  1. People are only "famous" if you deem them as such, since "famous" is a subjective term and relative to one's own view of these people.
    #21     Mar 2, 2004

  2. ahhhh...but many of them ARE consecutive...the plot thickens!

    and I wasn't talking about myself when I asked the opening question... I was looking for an opinion, in general, on a trader with that record.
    #22     Mar 2, 2004
  3. its terrible if your 8 loosers outweigh your winners,
    if someone had 56 loosers and 8 winners and still was profitable, now thats a trading skill to brag about............
    #23     Mar 2, 2004
  4. gms


    Then you got your answer. It depends not as much on the ratio of wins to losses but also the amount of profit vs loss, to which I might add, time spent in the trade is money too as it costs you for lost opportunities to compound quicker.

    So your results seem OK to some in the buy and hold world, but not terrific to traders. If the trading strategy and methods were terrific, you'd be mr. terrific, but you're not, you're just mr. market.
    #24     Mar 2, 2004

  5. I looked over your scope and bounds of your approach.

    You are running at about 25% of the potential that you set the last time you restarted your project.

    I suggested 6 items to fix your approach a year or so ago.

    Compared to those items to take you from advanced beginner to intermediate, you are running at about a tenth of the potential of those simplified targets. That puts you at about 2.5% of your potential.
    #25     Mar 2, 2004
  6. The numbers are meaningless.
    There is no way to calculate actual returns.

    In fact, if you put 20% of equity on each trade, he
    would more than likely already have ALL his equity
    "STUCK" in losing trades by now.

    Sitting there in losers, unavailable for new positions,
    possibly forever years and years.

    What effect would THAT have on actual returns? :D

    Dont bother with this guy, he will NEVER post the details
    because he is SCARED :D


    #26     Mar 2, 2004
  7. You are soo full of horse crap you need to carry a septic tank.

    Donald Trump is famous only in "subjective terms"?? You are a hairy blowhard. I know at least 3 people from your "Wharton" class that are quite famous to anyone who is involved in the stock market. The fact that you cannot name them is very suspicious.
    #27     Mar 2, 2004
  8. is your head and your predilection for prostitutes.
    #28     Mar 2, 2004
  9. Mecro


    No because you do not even know how to close out your losers.

    I had 9 wins, 2 losses today. One of the losses destroyed me so badly that Im down net for the month right now. And I actually know how to close out my losses but this out was out of the ordinary. Right now I do not even care about my wins, half of which were actually quite nice.

    So bottom line, you suck and you are just asking to get wiped out.

    BTW, your winners suck anyway, you take a measly 15% profit and thats it.
    #29     Mar 2, 2004
  10. Have you seen his wife? His best accomplishment is when he married abby joseph cohen!
    #30     Mar 2, 2004