IRS set to prosectute 19,000 Rich Tax Cheats. UBS?????

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by flytiger, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. Al Capone could only be found guilty of tax evading.

    Maybe they can only sue Bin Laden for taxes?
    #11     Nov 1, 2008
  2. achilles28


    Thanks for the heads up.

    The objection here is a moral one.

    The Income Tax is Unconstitutional

    The FED money system is a joke and ponzi scheme of monumental proportion.

    Charging interest on money printed out of thin air to enrich international bankers.

    100% of the interest paid on FED debt comes from the Income Tax. Which is why the income tax was invented in the first place.

    While tax dodging appears unfair to the ignorant, buying that argument really represents a tacit acceptance of the legitimately of the income tax. Which is dangerous and bullshit.

    When you understand private wealth and financial privacy are cornerstone to all other liberties, defending them - even when "Terrorists" or tax evaders also happen to benefit - is paramount.

    The wholesale attack on financial privacy under the false flag of terrorism is bullshit when you fully realize the Borders have been left Wide Open since 911.

    The System is designed to track and trace every legitimate, law-abiding citizen (YOU) and let the real terrorists slip under the radar.

    Thats painfully obvious.

    Therefore, all these campaigns and measures to provide further "security" at the expense of privacy and freedom are really assaults against us.

    The Sheep.
    #12     Nov 1, 2008
  3. Interesting, why?
    #13     Nov 1, 2008
  4. ammo


    the preamble to the constitution states that we will only pay what we deem fair,one of the reasons for our break with englands codes was overtaxation,or more recently sloganed ,taxation without representation. Our governmnt does not run on autopilot,the beleif that everything will always be fine,and all other beliefs are conspiracy ,is akin to "and they all lived happily ever after". If there ever was (?) a conspiracy to corrupt the U.S. house ,senate ,and president that sort of beleif would make it all to easy.
    #14     Nov 1, 2008
  5. I am the most patriotic, and capitalistic soul you'll ever run across.

    The only thing this has to do with politics, is the payoffs to the legislators that allow this sort of stuff. If you had an idea how long it took us to get this far, you'd be shocked. We started back in 2004 that i know of. I'm sure it's longer than that.

    Now, for 200mm in profit, a firm that 's probably written down 90 bb so far, and as at least 60 to go, may get kicked out of the US. I believe that makes this "Wall St. News." How can you be this stupid? Because they knew they wouldn't be challenged. Now, ask yourself why? Who did all of Wall St. have in thier back pocket? How many years has this happened? And how much did it cost the Treasury?

    And why do you think you just get to throw up some bullshit here, with no data, facts, thought. If you were going to make such a stupid claim, defend it. Rationaliz..........Oh, excuse me. Tell us why you think my post was treasonist (sic) and socialist. I'm anxious to change my ways.

    Now run off, Sonny, learn how to spell, and brush up on what the adults are talking about.
    #15     Nov 1, 2008
  6. ammo


    the preamble does not say we only pay what we think is fair and i cant find where it does say that on the web,i will have to go to the library,it is in there somewhere tho,if anyone else knows where
    #16     Nov 2, 2008
  7. dinoman



    I would like this to be true, but I highly doubt it!


    You can start with 1776, 1914, 1933, Theodore Roosevelt, 1971, 1994, 2001. (and more)

    You can try to discredit me due to typing errors or even misspelled words, (which you have too) but if you think McCain is the answer. (as you have implied in previous posts on this board)

    You Sir, are sadly mistaken.

    How about posting some historical facts instead of opinionated articles?

    Not sure the database/ limitations of this site can handle it. Actually the facts are it can't, due to its limitations set by the host and/or software.

    If Obama wasn't running this time I would have to pin the tail on the donkey of McCain for being the most Liberal candidate. I guess that would drastically change from day to day though, due to he will basically at this point seem to sell his soul to get elected.

    I would say the biggest difference here is you looked back to 2004 as stated in your reply and I looked back further. Its like you read the cliff notes and I read the book...???

    Also, don't criticize me for my spelling when you can't even get your abbreviations right. (or spelling correct)

    I have done my research! So, I guess the question is are you willing to take the time to go back more than 4 years to do yours?

    P.S. There is no shock on my side.
    #17     Nov 2, 2008