IRS Commissioner: Not Illegal To Target Groups

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, May 17, 2013.

  1. huh ? you're a fricken idiot for trying to rationalize this bias in operations

    But that's what liberal tyrants and their turd eating minions do they make up laws for everybody else while they are exempt.
    #11     May 17, 2013
  2. jem


    Of course they knew.
    Did you see the way Obama Clintoned his press conference.

    He said I did not know what was in the IG report before it was leaked.

    He did not deny knowing the substance.
    Just what was in the report.

    Does it really take a lawyer to catch a lawyer lying.

    I noticed not a single reporter commented on that very evasive answer.

    #12     May 17, 2013
  3. You are right, the IRS has always targeted groups. Certain business dealing in cash, different business's at times and certain professions are looked at closer than others. What will invalidate his argument is if he fails to show proof of why these tea party groups were targeted. They should just get rid of the tax exempt status for everything except for pure charity organizations, no more religious or political exemptions for any of them.
    #13     May 17, 2013

  4. This guy looks like he is getting ready to walk "The Green Mile". Guilt and Remorse at the same time.
    #14     May 17, 2013
  5. I think getting rid of the IRS nearly wholesale is the right solution.

    17% consumption tax across the board including business.
    That would be pretty simple and fair.
    #15     May 17, 2013
  6. The whole filling out the tax forms and all the reports and bullshit is a huge pain in the ass isn't it. Keeping track of everything they need is the one thing I don't like about my business. I'm to the stage now where I don't need to keep detailed records, I've scaled down my business and pay my bills and men every friday and don't have to borrow any money usually so I don't have any real need for all those damn detailed books, except for the damn irs.
    #16     May 17, 2013
  7. pspr


    The IRS has NOT always targeted political groups.

    And, I see you are not aware of the SCOTUS rulings about campaign contributions that allowed these entities.
    #17     May 17, 2013
  8. Right and a consumption tax would let the govt feel the pain during private sector downturns and manage accordingly "JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE".
    #18     May 17, 2013
  9. Pspr I didn't say political groups. If it was targeted because of politics and its hard to imagine it wasn't politically motivated then heads should roll. Your trying to find disagreement with me on this and there isn't any.
    #19     May 17, 2013
  10. pspr


    I didn't either in my title but that is what I meant and that was the topic of discussion that the IRS commissioner was talking about with Congress when he said he didn't believe it was illegal.

    Even so, unless the term 'groups' is defined narrowly, it may still involve wrongdoing.

    For instance, Jewish groups were also one of the targets. If such targeting is not illegal, it should be.
    #20     May 17, 2013