IRS and Congressional insider trading

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by MoreLeverage, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Cuddles, zdreg and d08 like this.
  2. smallfil


    There was a 60 minutes episode featuring Nancy Pelosi and a couple of Republican Senators and Congressmen and they were asked about buying stocks of companies with business before Congress and she said they were not doing anything wrong. The same answer from the Senators so, insider trading is A-Okay for members of Congress. For others, not good! Remember Martha Stewart who got jailed for insider trading? Or Hedge Fund Manager Raj Rajaratnam who got stiff prison sentence. That is why we need to drain the swamp! Vote in the November 2018 elections and remove the crocodiles in the US Congress!
  3. destriero


    Someone needs to tell the DOJ to drop the charges against Collins!
  4. Cuddles


    with as much tweeting moving the markets these last two years, this shocks no one.
  5. destriero


  6. And 2013 repealed all the disclosure requirements of the STOCK act, so you can’t check how big their ill gotten gains are. Mind you they delayed the disclosure requirements for almost a year, successively, so they never had to disclose publicly before they passed the amendment that axed that altogether.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2018
  7. sle


    Ha, interesting. That indeed guts it completely.
  8. Another pezzanovante...
  9. d08


    No. Everyone in the congress is very wealthy because of their hard work. Funny how none of them are even middle class. :vomit:
    #10     Aug 17, 2018
    Clubber Lang likes this.