Iranians want freedom ...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by kandlekid, Jan 5, 2020.

  1. Cuddles


    #11     Jan 5, 2020
  2. What will be interesting down the road with this Iran scenario is how it will play out with the protesters who were/are picking up considerable steam.

    Obviously, they are savvy enough to know that they do not want to mix their issues in with this Solmeini thing while Iranian nationalism is at its peak so they will stay out let that issue run for a while.

    But Solmeinie was the one who slaughtered the protesters and has been the chief enforcer for oppression in Iran. They are not unhappy to be rid of him at all. At some point down the road, they will test the new environment there to see how their protest uprisings fare with Solmeini gone. Could be better. Could be worse. Solmeini was a master at taking care of business but keeping it below the level that would cause anyone to go after him for real. Both internationally and domestically. He had the fine-tuning knob on that that helped him to survive and thrive for decades. His replacement- his second in command- might not be as aggressive with the protesters by flat-out shooting them in the streets as Solmeini did. Or, he might do it more and go over the top and end out fueling the fire even more. We shall see. As I said, they will not mix that in with this month's or next month's drama. But it is coming.

    We know that the lefties are praying to Allah that nothing good comes of this long term, and I am not saying anything good will. But it is one of the possibilities.
    #12     Jan 5, 2020