Iran wants to plug it ..I say let them

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by bat1, May 23, 2010.

  1. bat1


    Iran, a fierce critic of Washington, repeated an offer to assist with the Gulf spill, calling it no great challenge compared to what Iran itself had dealt with. [ID:nLDE64M07N]

    Good idea
  2. Uno


    Just like were not supposed to think Bilderberger group exists and now it's being openly talked about on ET with pics of Bernanke coming and going

    In the same way we are supposed to think that Iran is run by people who want to commit suicide by attacking other nations like Israel.
    (Their history shows the opposite)

    This is propaganda and lies by our wonderful Government/Media. They would rather let entire Ocean become black than accept help from Iran.
  3. bat1


    In the same way we are supposed to think that Iran is run by people who want to commit suicide by attacking other nations like Israel.
    (Their history shows the opposite)

    I don't know guy

    They do seem to really hate Isreal
  4. Uno


    Not enough to commit suicide. Persians are not stupid people they know that any attack on Israel is death of Men Women and Children in Iran.

    Israel has Nuclear weapons. No one dares attack Israel and for a right reason.

    It's like me hating Neocons, but you don't see me picking up a gun and killing neocons.

    Iran wants to have nukes in order to be equal to other nuke nations. And of course United States and Israel don't want that.
  5. pma


    Hell yes! If Iran thinks they can plug it-then why not give them a chance to do it? Very retarded of the USA. I guess it would not look good to let them help,if the future plan is some attack on Iran :eek: