Iran Turning Off The Oil Tap

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by eagle488, Dec 3, 2006.

  1. smithmar


    Your net research ? God help us.
    Well, as they say, you ( and indeed us, the English ) may have fooled or subdued a lot of the people for a lot of the time but the natives are beyond restless now. They have sophisticated weapons and a will to resist our interference.
    Israel was created by colonial plantation and superpower fiat against the wishes of the local population. You might have just about got away with that in the Wild West but 1948 is a tad too late.
    Batman bloke is right, there are 2 types unrestrained capitalists and the rest of us. Fool you if you think there are other motivations in the minds of men. Now China is courting the African dictators and within 50 years the Israel/USA alliance will look like Rome in the 5th Century.
    Israel has 1 option : recognise and support a 2 state solution with a co-sovereign Jerusalem and pay off the current Israeli Arabs to emigrate to the new Palestine. And do it pretty damn fast or it will lose to demographics or an A bomb on Tel Aviv in 20 years.
    Middle class Westerners can argue all they like about it on chat rooms, the reality on the ground is an overwhelming rise of resistance to the USA hegemony that CANNOT be stopped by force, only by ACCEPTING other people's rights to do what they damn well please with themselves. All the nukes and carriers in the world cannot stop a guy with a grenade and a rifle, remember that.
    I lived in Saudi for 8 years and am Jewish so I have my own perspective.
    You want to have a race hate war with the Islamists ? ( remember Iranians are not Arabs ) Go ahead, just fly out there yourself, chicken shit and don't drag the rest of the world with you. Otherwise this storm will just double every 5 years.
    #41     Dec 5, 2006
  2. I couldn't agree more!!!! Now it is our job - as defenders of the free world - to invade, subdue and free these countries. We made a great start in Iraq, but let us hope this is not the end of our efforts.

    My hitlist as of right now:

    1. Iraq (takes 7-8 more years)
    2. Iran (We should start in 2008 with air bombardments!!!!!!!!!!!)
    3. Sudan (We need ground forces in here too in the long run, these guys also cooperate with Al Quaeda, just like Iraq and Iran!!!!!!!!!!!)
    4. Lybia (To finally get rid of Gaddafi, I never liked his stupid hat!!!!!!!!!)
    5. Venezuela. That Chavez guy called our esteemed president a devil. I think we should walk into his country with 50.000 special forces and have him say he's sorry in front of CNN cameras.
    6. Hey and let's not forget Cuba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it's time we finally invade Cuba again, this time for real!

    6 very very simple steps to a safer and happier world!!!!!!!!!! LETS DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    #42     Dec 5, 2006
  3. Now we are getting somewhere.
    First come up with a dumb plan that cannot possibily work and then stay the course until your mummy changes your diapers for you or have Jimmy Baker do it for you.
    #43     Dec 5, 2006
  4. Pekelo


    Interestingly, you missed CHINA and North Korea. One of the most oppressed people on Earth...
    #44     Dec 5, 2006
  5. Dont get greedy.
    Leave some for the next idiot.
    #45     Dec 5, 2006