Iran to force Jews+Christians to wear yellow identifier

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HGTrader, May 20, 2006.

  1. And? That was still a conspiracy theory, you believed that the Pentagon was not hit on 9/11 and the recently released video completely debunked this nonsense. Who's the dumbass?
    #41     May 25, 2006
  2. lmaoooooooooooo... nice spin. bottomline i said libby and cheney.. and guess what? i was fucking right and you know it. so STFU you little sissy.
    #42     May 25, 2006
  3. you keep saying this and it is false. please show me where i said anything about the pentagon being hit. morgan reynolds talked about it in the article i posted... but other than that... i dont recall mentioning it ever.

    you really are a dumbass arent you? lay off the mercury... and your autism symptoms may subside.
    #43     May 25, 2006
  4. Yep, you said libby and cheney, in your post several months later you said "rove and scooter and cheney".

    In 2003-2004 everyone and his uncle was saying Libby, Rove and Cheney, the entire world knew who the primary suspects were, you mentioned all three of them, you did not single out Libby so cut the crap, shut up and get real.
    #44     May 25, 2006
  5. jealousy is such a bitter pill huh? i put it in writing in 04 and i was right. end of story. go soil ur depends now.. you are boring me.
    #45     May 25, 2006
  6. you seriously think rove had no knowledge??? you cant be that stupid. dick and karl had knowledge of the crime and refused to talk, therefore they are all guilty.

    but let me let you in on another little secret. the mainstream media is going to keep letting these guys take hits... they are scapegoats. just conditioning us for your dream goddess hillary and her lovely cankles.
    #46     May 25, 2006
  7. Of course they (and a few others) are all guilty, that's not in dispute. The point is that everyone with half a brain (that immediately excludes bush lovers and dittoheads of course) knew in 2003 that Cheney, Rove and Libby were guilty and any one (or all) of them could be indicted.

    You did not say in 2004 that Libby would be indicted which would indeed let you claim that you "nailed it". Your "predicitons" that it was Cheney and Libby and later that it was Cheney, scooter and Rove were as generic and as inaccurate as anyone else's.

    Another one of your conspiracy theories, huh? Why am I not surprised. FYI Hillary is not my number one, two or three choice, don't listen to MSM when they tell you that progressives adore Hillary, they've conspired to brainwash gullible fools like you. Liberals support other candidates.

    Feingold 44
    Clark 15
    Warner 10
    Edwards 8
    H. Clinton 2
    Kerry 1
    And this straw poll did not even include Al Gore who would have been an immediate front-runner.
    #47     May 25, 2006
  8. it is asshole(s) jewboy!!and if i were you, i would be worried about ddddoo's sensitivity and feelings. didn't you know he hate mass killing?
    what is so hilarious is that we posted an article showing the zionist media caught with their pants down and bending over yet this moron is expressing his sick jewish fantasies on a public domain.
    #48     May 26, 2006
  9. lmaooooooooooooooooo... yeah, like those granola's have any say in it !!!!!!!! seriously, i think you are functionally retarded. i have never come across somebody so out to lunch on here. at least ppl like reardon metal are smart. (albeit misguided) why does it bother you so much that my accuracy is intact? did you do ur little assignment yet and watch the kennedy tape? watch his head go back and tell me that shot came from oswald. LOL LOL LOL yeah right... no conspiracy there. how can you ppl be so stupid????
    #49     May 26, 2006
  10. i think doodoo is mad that i nailed this story (yellow identifier) as being false 3 days before he figured it out. LOL LOL LOL what a tool !!!!!!!!!!
    #50     May 26, 2006