Iran gives the finger to the free world. Obama hides under desk.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wilburbear, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. This is true. The closest I have gotten to war is playing Halo. Thank goodness for the paupers in uniform.

    Have you served?
    #11     Sep 28, 2009
  2. g222


    Quote from TrueRange:['i]

    TR - think a minute, man ... the more guns that are out there in the streets, the more likely it is that someone is going to get shot!!! What is it that you don't understand??? In the ideal world, there would be no nukes (nor guns), but our world is not ideal.

    And sir, I take exception with your 'mass murder' comment. Again, think a minute ... the bombing of Tokyo killed far more people than did either a-bomb ... but unfortunately that still did not get the attention of Japanese. We could have invaded Japan instead of using the 'bombs', but tens of thousands of more Japanese would have died in the aftermath than had died with the 'bombs' - let alone the hundreds of thousands of allies projected to have perished in and around the beach heads (funny how their peril doesen't seem to enter into your concerns). Unfortunately, it took the instantaneous and utter devistation of those weapons to IMMEDIATELY stop the slaughter that was WWII. And not for nothing, but during that war, tens of thousands of civilians were killed in Europe, Asia, and Indonesia (not to disappoint you, but other allied countries had a hand in it, too...not just us 'murdering' Americans) ... otherwise your posts would be in either German or Japanese.

    And are you not threatened, or at least pensive, by the thought of militant islamists accessing any type of nuclear material that could be used to construct a dirty bomb??? Again ... think for a minute. Had the makings of a dirty bomb been available on 9/11/01 ... we would've buried 300,000 - 400,000 people and Manhattan would today be uninhabitable. Think!!!!
    #12     Sep 28, 2009
  3. TGregg


    Why didn't we nuke Germany? LMAO. Unburdened by knowledge but determined to spread his "wisdom" to the great unwashed, his comments are not to be missed.

    Why did we not nuke Germany? LMAO. Shit, why didn't the Romans nuke the Turks, right?

    Remember that scene in Animal House? "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!" Kinda like that. :)
    #13     Sep 28, 2009
  4. Dont be silly, there were no nuclear bombs in ancient Rome.
    #14     Sep 28, 2009
  5. Soon you will be talking to to yourself. Go drink a cool one or do something else to get off your fuckin' high horse.
    #15     Sep 28, 2009
  6. Lucrum


    While he was a bit of a puss, he probably did get more of a bad rap than he deserved.

    Mass murder? Geezus H fucking Christ.
    Did you know the Japanese you're crying over were responsible for the death of SIX million Chinese. Now THAT was mass murder. How about all the civilians killed in London by the Germans, was that mass murder?
    How about all the civilian Germans killed by conventional allied bombs, a number much bigger than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki death count combined? How is it you don't have an issue with that?
    Is being vaporized by a nuclear blast somehow more dead than just being blown to bits?

    Judging by some of your buddies posts, we should be spending it on education. Specifically HISTORY!

    I was in Mexico several years ago when a local asked me a similar question. To be honest I had to stop and think for a minute. In the case of Iran, IMO, they have EVERY intention of using them against Israel. Now of course the Jew haters are probably mumbling to themselves "who cares".
    But Israel also has nukes do they not?
    In short, do we really want a nuclear war in the middle east?
    #16     Sep 28, 2009
  7. Actually Israel prefers to fight its own wars, as it always has. And it would love to do the job in Iran too, as of this moment the US is not giving Israel the green light.
    #17     Sep 28, 2009
  8. i keep hearing "abdinijad is a holocaust denier!!!!" WHO GIVES A FUCK!?!?!?
    Israel does, lots of decent people all over the world do.

    We invade one country to give them 'freedom of speech", but we're supposed to invade another country
    I said Israel wants to do the job, we are not giving Israel the green light. And no one is talking about invasion, bombing the crap out of their nuclear installations and invading the country are two totally different things.

    because we dont like what they say about something from 60 years ago?
    No dummy, because while denying the previous Holocaust he is planning a new one.

    The hysterical tone of your posts can only be matched by the idiocy and ignorance of your statements. No offense meant, rubberbrain. :)
    #18     Sep 28, 2009
  9. Well said TrueRange and Rubberbird_50.

    The U.S. is hypocritical to tell other nations that they cannot have nuclear weapons when they are the only ones to use them on a civilian population.

    About Isreal, let them fight their own war if need be. We should stop giving aid to Israel and Egypt... why are we arming these nations that historically hate each other?

    And about Iran obtaining nukes... it will help prevent the U.S. from bullying them. To assume that Iran would use weapons on Israel is outrageous.... its suicide. Nuclear weapons are primarily defensive weapons. The U.S. is invading Iran's neighbors in Iraq and Afghanistan so we are encroaching their territory. Who is the aggressor? Compare the amount of wars/skirmishes the US has started in the last century to the amount Iran has.

    And let's stop with this ignorant calling nonsense. Just because someone does not agree with your views does not make him dumb or ignorant. If anything you are ignorant for dis-encouraging debate and showing unwillingness to listen to another view.
    #19     Sep 28, 2009
  10. Mercor


    Iran boasts it has 40,000 suicide bombers on call when needed.
    Would the Islam extremists who rule Iran be willing to sacrifice Tehran to rid Israel? I say its a coin flip.
    Remember the Muslims "Live to Die"
    #20     Sep 28, 2009