Iran Attack

Discussion in 'Politics' started by dealmaker, Oct 16, 2019.

  1. dealmaker


    Iran Attack

    The U.S. reportedly launched a cyber-attack against Iran's propaganda-spreading capabilities in the wake of last month's attack on Saudi oil facilities, for which the U.S. and Saudi Arabia blamed Tehran. An unnamed U.S. official told Reuters that the strike affected physical hardware. Reuters
  2. vanzandt


    Yeah, that's our battle to fight.
    I'm tellin ya.... this cyber-attack stuff on the world stage.... we're openin' a bad can of worms imo.
    No one can take the U.S. out in conventional warfare.... not so sure when it comes to cyber however.
    Has our ATC upgraded from vacuum tubes yet?
  3. U.S. should have conducted a cyber attack sending UPorn links to all computers in Iran that you could not stop unless you unplugged the system. That Sharia law country would have a meltdown from an all out porn attack it woudl be hysterical.
    vanzandt and Wallet like this.
  4. vanzandt


    I've always said, carpet-bomb the Middle East with porno vids, whiskey, and all that blow we confiscate.
  5. Overnight


    They have, but I don't think they have fully implemented the ADS-B system yet, their "Next-Gen" program. It's been YEARS now.