IQ and trading

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by pips, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. heypa


    The one test that got me puzzled for a while is this sequence:

    61, 52, 63, 94, 46 , ?, ? put two missing numbers in this sequence.

    This test was optional after you have reached IQ >= 150.


    Seems to me that the solution as given is incorrect.

    If you say the last number is 1 following your manipulation of digits (not numbers )then you have unconventionally dropped two zeros.
    If you say the last number is 001 then you have not conventionally written the 1.
    What you described is not a series of conventional numbers but rather a series of paired digit combinations.
    If you had rather asked "How can I determine the last two numbers?" after giving them. It would have been a more correct question. I my opinion.

    I don't think I.Q. level directly relates to trading success. For my old sake I hope that anywhere within 1 standard deviation should be sufficient.
    In my old age I tend to ramble. Please forgive me..
    #141     Dec 27, 2008
  2. I could not begin to figure out the OP's test. :confused:

    It bruises my ego for about one minute, since I like to think I am fairly intelligent. Well maybe not THAT intelligent! :p

    As far as trading goes, in my experience it is street smarts and mental athleticism that go a long way. I think a slightly above average or better IQ can't hurt, though.

    I see that the skills that work for me while trading are similar to skills I have developed in athletic and artistic pursuits, like drumming, surfing, fighting, and team sports.

    In drumming there is pattern recognition, intuition, rhythm, timing, and flexibility.

    Surfing skills and mentality, believe it or not, have ALOT in common with traits which are beneficial to traders. You have to constantly monitor conditions, you know when it is the right time to hit it. If it's not on, don't force a session. You may be out on a really good day. You fight for position after much scrambling, you were able to outwit and outpaddle your competition and it's time to drop in. You know you will take a beating if you hesitate or get in too late so you decide wholeheartedly to commit and paddle your way into it. After risking your life on the drop, you get completely covered up and come out exhilirated and also thankful to make it. The wave is still going, you can either cut out or risk getting closed out and slammed down the line and then caught inside trying to get back out, better cut out and paddle to safety in the channel!

    Also there are many days where most of your friends say THIS is where we are going, this is where it's at! And you say to yourself how stupid and ignorant they are to want to follow the crowd there when you know of a place much less crowded and less talked about that will actually work better under these conditions. So you let them do what they want and you go your way, only to hear from them how hard they blew it as you thank yourself for trusting your knowledge and gut. You beat the mainstream crowd and their herd mentality and were rewarded for doing so.

    Individual and team sports teach you how to compete, have a winning attitude and how to carry on loss after loss undeterred until you reach success.

    I think where the high IQ/mental development comes in is with progamming systems, something a "jock" like myself is not interested in, I like to get in there and fight. :)

    But if that works for some of you, good on you! Just try and get away from your desk once in awhile and do some running or kickboxing once in awhile lol
    #142     Dec 27, 2008
  3. What is the answer?

    yea, yea...I thought of LKJ first, but then said "no" to it. lol.

    I then figured out that M was parallel to Q, and PON formed a Right Triangle.

    So then i got BDC to form an isoceles (however you spell it) triangle.

    then i used the reverse stuff and got:

    DCB. final answer.

    #143     Dec 27, 2008
  4. It took me like 30 seconds to figure out the pattern for the letters and the pattern for the numbers. Not because my IQ is above 150, but because I've seen similar questions before and had a general idea what to look for.

    That's why I think IQ scores are a bit misleading and that's how people score 170+ on an IQ test. It's something an already intelligent person can improve on, just like anything else.
    #144     Dec 28, 2008
  5. me hvae vrey low no fguire out tihs .me good.

    me fucking great trader though.:)

    Some of the best traders I know you wouldnt trust to button their shirts properly.Hell I can barely count to ten without my fingers and sometimes toes...oh wait toes.
    #145     Dec 30, 2008