IPE down?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by just21, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. just21


    I have not got any IPE brent quotes on IB. Anybody getting these?
  2. ngn


    Bank Holiday in the UK
  3. just21


    What a day to close!
  4. ngn


    LOL. I know.

    must be many people jumping up and down wanting to do somthing with their positions.

    Regards Kat. I think she is about to reach land.
  5. just21


    I just read on the main drudge story that it got downgraded to a four.
  6. ngn


    that is still pretty windy!
  7. Winds speed was at 160 mph - that is cat 5.

    Then slowed to 155 mph - that is cat 4.

    But the national hurricane center said all along it would be cat 4 or 5 when hits lands ...
  8. mokwit


    Not much of a holiday for those who went short COIL at the close.
  9. COIL.
  10. ngn


    COIL yourself.
    #10     Aug 29, 2005