Introduction and backround. I think I have a good backround to have success

Discussion in 'Trading' started by smallcapgrowth, Mar 20, 2017.

  1. I have been reading these forums for about a week now. I wanted to introduce myself and let people know my backround. I was a financial advisor dealing with retail clients for about 5 years. In that process I watched a documentary on card counting in blackjack.

    I thought you had to be a super smart guy to do it and no normal human can do it. These people in the video did not look super smart. I got my hands on everything I can read, Like 10 books and went through ever professional blackjack forum out there and basically read every post. I sat home and practiced everyday on the kitchen table for about 2 hours a day for around 8 months so I can get the skill it took and find out how the swings look even with a small edge. I looked 500 hours and then took a home equlity line of credit out of my house to start it (it was ballsy but I wanted to win bad). I started with 25k in cash and 50k loan paid off the loan and won about 1.7 million in 4.5 years. I got barred from every big casino that takes major bets in the united states. And I am radio active in OSN and Biometrica which is the casino national database on advantage players and cheats.

    I have about 1.2 million left after taxes and buying some shit. I know it is retarted to just deposit that in a trading account and start. I want to do what I did with blackjack to learn trading. Read everything I can and I felt the passion burn in my belly. I am starting to feel that again with trading. I wont accept failure as an option cause there is no way im going back to working for a boss. I know I need to find an edge and then make Kelly bets accordingly. Im reading threw all the stuff and will read every thread on this forum as I am in fulltime study mode. Can anyone pointment in the direction of different stratigies out there. Right now I only know about Pair trading cause I read on a blackjack forum that don bright went on the blackjack forum years ago and he was a card counter who found an edge in the markets. Any feedback pointing me in the right way would be helpful, but im not looking to be spoonfed. Im excited to be here.
  2. wintergasp


    Invest in a snail farm you'll make more money
    SigmaX and eusdaiki like this.
  3. Overnight


    Dude, you are 1/2 post away from being reported. Your entry here is a doozy!
  4. why being reported? everything I did is perfectly legal man. google my handle, im verifiable and been on a gamble radio show in vegas twice. google smallcapgrowth blackjack
  5. advantage players aren't cheats, they get lumped together.. I just use what I see on the blackjack table to determine my bets.. the casinos don't like to lose
    VPhantom likes this.
  6. Overnight



    Stop that thought right now, else get out of our nice little beach community, Lebowski.

    Trading is not gambling. NEVER put that idea into peoples' heads.

    Not to mention, the rest of your OP reads really really bad. Just bad. #bad.
    SigmaX and Xela like this.
  7. trading is gambling with an edge. So is counting cards. You honestly don't know what your talking about. Find an edge size it according to your bankroll. I loged 4k hours on the bj tables overs years. You have a quantifiable edge that you can run sims on for 100s of millions of rounds.
    VPhantom, d08 and Rationalize like this.
  8. Zzzz1


    There is no way with your grammar and the content you shared you won even at a single casino. It's not even a funny story. Just a story about a degenerate gambling addict. Feedback? Sure: start fuxxing reading books.

    eastern_warrior likes this.
  9. honestly if this is how folks are here im just gunna shut my mouth and read. Prob what I should be doing anyway. Im not going to fail , there is zero shot when I put my mind to something.
    IAS_LLC likes this.
  10. Zzzz1


    Haha, a second ago you had no fuxxing clue and a post later you tell people that THEY "don't know what they are talking about".? "Honestly?"

    I don't know what you are but certainly not a con man because you appear too outright dumb to qualify for that category.

    #10     Mar 20, 2017