INTRADE Healthcare Reform

Discussion in 'Politics' started by seneca_roman, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. My favorite prediction tool. Doen't look good for healthcare reform but the trend is up.

    Interesting to see what happens after today's vote in the Baucus committee.


    <a href="">
    <img src="" height="225" width="460"
    alt="Price for Will a federal government run health insurance plan (a public option) be approved in the US? at"
    title="Price for Will a federal government run health insurance plan (a public option) be approved in the US? at" border="0"></a>
    The contract ID of this contract is: 683800
  2. This should go down because the issue you cited was if they would pass a public option and the Baucus bill does not include a public option. If a healthcare reform bill passes but lacks the public option then you still lose. It clearly states this in the poll.

    Price for Will a federal government run health insurance plan (a public option) be approved in the US?