Hi everybody I am lost and need HELP! I am about to start daytrading and I am looking for an intraday scanner and don't know where to start looking. I have no realtick account or anything. What do you recommend? Price is Ãmportant as well as speed. THANX for your time
You might try the eSignal market scanner, which is browser based. I've never used it, but I've heard some good things. http://www.esignal.com/scanner Depending on the options, it costs between $49 and $79/mo if you're not an eSignal data subscriber, less if you are. It includes premarket scans, new highs and lows, and sector scans. The more expensive model includes something called a "rally scan". Many quote providers, direct access brokers, and some online brokers also offer access to intraday scans and hot lists. -vitajex
vitajex, Does e-signal do basket trading? I am new to these boards, and looking for someone that can help me find a good basket trading software program. Thanks, Julie
Try First Alert, very good filtering package. Most of the traders at Bright trading and ECHOtrade use it for quotes, charts, and filters. Here's something pretty cool too. First Alert is coming out with some kind of an add-on module that will send trades for you based on the real-time filters you specify. No one's seen it yet, but sounds cool. Here's the link: http://www.neovest.com/press/6-11-01.html -Jim
Julie, If you are looking for a program that will allow you to enter multiple positions at once I think a newer version of realtick might have this option. I'm not sure but I remember reading this somewhere.... I not sure if it was realtick, but it seems to be the preferred platform.... I believe my track had something like this also... Again I'm not sure I'm just trying to give you some leads........ Nick
BrainTrader, For scanning you may like http://www.tc2000.com/ or Tradestation, or RadarScreen (both at http://www.tradestationtechnologies.com/default.htm ).
Thanks Grabbit The Scanner in TC2000 doesnt work with realtime data. Otherwise I like TC2000. Simple and good value for money! /Braintrader
Apparently, RealTick will be finally integrating its recent purchase of Hottrend.com into its data feed. Hottrend is a filter for unusual activity in trading (real time).