Intraday data for Metastock

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by andrey_tech, Feb 23, 2006.

  1. Any low cost intraday forex data feed for Metastock software ?
  2. hcour

    hcour Guest

    MetaQuotes will do it. It's free and will also do realtime, you just have to keep renewing the free trial w/Alpari every couple months.

    If you want, PM me w/your email address and I'll send you MQ w/instructions (by Wallace) how to set it up.

    MetaTrader (the newer ver of MQ) will also do it but you have to go thru another program, HyperServer Lite. So I think MQ is better, but you may want to take a look at MT.

  3. But they have changed their data feed. It seems to be they are using InterbankFx data feed now. And more important for me, their data doesnt support Metastock by Equis. I am seeking a service who supports Metastock with low cost.
  4. hcour

    hcour Guest

    Well, I'm not sure what you mean by "support MetaStock". I'm using MS by Equis right now as I write this, watching USD/EUR and USD/JPY in several timeframes in realtime for free.

  5. Are you sure it is as Metastock not Metaquotes or Metatrader softwares ? If so, how do you done this ?

  6. hcour

    hcour Guest

    Again, I'm not quite sure what you mean. I am using MetaStock Pro 7.2 which I've had for several years. I also have MQ running at the same time, it feeds the data to MetaStock. I can save the data and manipulate it any way I want to in MS.

  7. How do you export Metaquotes data feed into Metastock software ?
  8. hcour

    hcour Guest

    Following are Wallace's instructions. The server is now:

    The best way is to first create a folder in MS and enable that folder for realtime.

    Here ya go:

    MQ works with ‘MetaStock Professional Offline Mode’

    The only current datafeed provider I know of for MQ is Alpari:
    MQ as are MT3/4 is modeled on MS. The MQ feed is usually reliable tho it has in the past gone down for a day or two and ‘bad ticks’ tho few and far between aren’t cleared. Alpari Support does respond when notified there’s a problem. Tho MQ can no longer be downloaded from their site, Alpari continue to provide a server/data feed for MQ.

    Unzip MQ to a folder, dbl click to install. NB: do not install if the market is closed as this means the Alpari server is also closed and your application won't be processed.

    When first installed the ‘Open Demo Account’ menu appears, close that menu then ‘Menu/Tools/Options’ and replace the ‘Server’ address with this one:

    You may also need an appropriate msfl file available here:

    After replacing the address click on ‘Menu/Tools/Options/Open a Demo Account’, complete the registration, check ‘Yes – send me newsletter’ or whatever it says bottom left checkbox, ‘OK’.
    Within seconds you’ll receive an onscreen message with your Account # and Password, note these down somewhere with the current date, close that notice, you’ll also receive a ‘Mail’ message repeating the info.
    A few days before the monthly demo expires you’ll receive a Mail message advising you of the demo expiration, just renew the demo — ‘Menu/Tools/Options’.

    You should hear a brief musical chord indicating MQ has connected with the server each time you start MQ, note the bottom frame and wait a few seconds as MQ goes through its connection process, completed once ‘Done’ or ‘For Help, press F1’ displays.

    Menu/Tools/Options/MetaStock check ‘Enable real time mode’ and ‘Update on every tick’.
    Note the default folder is ‘C:\MetaStock Data’ so create a new folder for the MQ data if you already have that folder designated to collect other realtime data, enter the new folder name via Browse button – perhaps the folder should be created first !

    First Start of MQ: right click on the displayed chart for the majority of the menus needed.
    ‘Chart Symbols’ start at top of list, once the chart has displayed, left frame select either M1 or D1, right clk on chart, ‘Properties’ and setup how you want MQ charts to display; right click on chart ‘Indicators’ and setup whatever indicators you want displayed on the chart. Repeat the above for each timeframe and each Chart Symbol.
    As you go through that process all the price history of the pairs/timeframes will load into the MS folder storing the MQ data to be displayed as MS ‘Local Data/Smart Charts’.

    Use icons on left frame to change from Bar to Line to Candlestick charts.

    NB MQ does NOT work with MetaStock Professional, it works with MetaStock Professional Offline Mode.

    With MQ open, start MS Offline, select the folder being used to store the MQ data and all the Chart Symbols should be listed – eg:
    Symbol Name Periodicity First Date Last Date
    AUD_USD AUD_USD 5 Min Bad date Bad date

    not sure why ‘Bad date’ displays rather than the appropriate dates but it doesn’t seem to make any difference to charts being displayed correctly.
    Dbl clk on a Symbol and setup your MS charts.

    When you change timeframe and/or Symbol in MQ, allow a few seconds and see that the new chart has updated then open the MS chart.
    Several MS charts can be open and all should update in realtime.

    Re EURCHF:
    There's a bad tick displaying in the Daily data that will likely not be corrected but no longer affects the intraday charts.
    To create a Daily chart without the bad data but one you'll have to update manually:
    Open MS Offline, open the Open/Folder icon, double click on EUR_CHF Symbol or Name and add D -- EUR_CHFD.
    Open The Downloader, Menu/Tools/Convert:
    File Type: MetaStock
    Folder:C:\MetaStock Data -- presuming that's the name being used
    Browse: and click on EUR_CHFD
    File Type: MetaStock
    Folder:C:\MetaStock Data\Other -- create and name a new folder in 'MetaStock Data' folder or whatever name you used to save this file and any others you want. Click OK.

    Go back to Open/Folder icon and delete the D from EUR_CHFD.
    Open the EUR_CHFD file in MetaStock Data\Other, right click on the bad price bar, edit data and change 1.77420 to 1.55420.
    You'll then have to update the price data as and when but at least you'll have a workable chart.

    Those interested in having a 4H or other timeframe chart that MS will load can create a pseudo Daily chart -- no timestamp, but it means creating and updating it/them manually. I've made 4 and 12 H charts for the eurusd only that I also load into Adavanced GET.

    MQ: open 4H chart, Menu/Save to a folder -- I have a Temp folder on my Desktop

    Open MS Excel or other speadsheet: open eurusd240.csv, delete the Date and timestamp columns
    Using the 4H from MQ, there are 2068 lines of data, dividing by 365 = 5.66 which will be 5.7 years of Daily dates.
    Don't know how to do the next bit in Excel as I had the WordPerfect Suite before Office and use Quattro Pro:
    I saved the file out of Excel as eur.csv into the Temp folder and opened it in Quattro, Insert column at the beginning of the data.
    Select Column A:
    Menu/Edit/Fill/Fill Series/Day;
    Start: you can use any start date, I usually use 01/01/1900
    Step: 1
    Stop: based on 5.7 years -- 09/15/1905 OK

    Select Date column - A: Menu/Format/Selection/Numeric Format/Date/Long Date Intl OK.
    Menu/File/SaveAs: Ascii Text csv to Temp folder.

    Using WordPerfect open the saved file and Menu/Edit/FindandReplace:
    Find: , -- a comma
    Replace: 3 spaces Replace All delete the remaining dates.
    Go to Page 1:
    the year format has to be changed to 4 digits (I think, at least is does for AG)
    Find: /00
    Replace: /1900 then continue /01 /1901 etc.
    SaveAs Name: ***4H Ascii Text to a folder -- I have an AsciiData named folder on the Desktop.

    The Downloader Menu/Tools/Convert:
    File Type: Ascii
    Folder: name of folder you've stored the file
    Browse: and click on ***4H whatever name you've used
    File Type: MetaStock
    Folder:C:\MetaStock Data\Other or whatever name you used to save this file.

    Remember to check how many days there are in February when you get to a new year ; )

  9. Thanks, it is a valueable information.
  10. hcour

    hcour Guest

    No prob. But Wallace is the one who took the time and effort to document this, not moi. I am a mere cog in the great wheel...

    Good luck,
    #10     Feb 23, 2006