Intraday Breadth/Futures Data to Trade

Discussion in 'Data Sets and Feeds' started by David Folster, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Hello All,

    What I need:
    Intraday (hourly) NYSE Advancing Issues going back to 2002, and hourly SPY going back to beginning of trading if possible. Those are the two most important, but would love to also get my hands on similar amt of declining issues/volume and advancing volume.

    What I have for exchange:
    - 2 minute advancing issues and declining issues from 1987-2001
    - 1 minute advancing/declining volume from 1998-2001
    - 2 minute NYSE Tick from 1987-1997
    - 1 minute NYSE Tick from 1997-2003
    - Some S&P futures data, not sure exactly what it is, (it's in a rar file and I have a mac) but I am fairly sure it's 5 min S&P back adjusted data from about 1987-2003 or so
    - 1980-2002: EOD back adjusted futures data for BP, CD, CL, CT, CU, DX, FV, HG, HO,HU, JY, KC, LB, MB, NG, OJ, SF, TU, TY, US.

    Please let me know if you can exchange. Thanks!
  2. I found this for purchase at a reasonable price, so it's all good.