I am always seeking well-written articles that are infomrative for daytraders. I just discovered some by Mark Ingebretsen posted on thesteet.com. I would appreciate comments on these articles from participants on this site. I would also appreciate replys that alert me to other useful daytrading articles--past or future ones. Building Your Own Multiple-Monitor Trading Station http://www.thestreet.com/funds/toolsofthetrade/1404870.html Series of articles on Choosing a Streaming Quote Service. These articles are found in the list of Ingebretsen's latest articles: http://find.thestreet.com/cgi-bin/texis/author/?au=A0836687&x=13&y=10 Will appreciate any opinions on these articles, too. I do not have any connection to Ingebretsen or thesteet.com. Fast
You probably know about these already but here they are anyways: http://www.daytradingstocks.com/articles.html http://www.newsearching.com/nft/
http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2001/0709/052_print.html I had to chuckle at this article. This daytrader says: "he is on track to gross $1.5 million this year, before commissions and a minority cut for his financial backers." C'mon! What daytraders caculate gross earnings? This is like GE saying "we made $30 Billion last quarter!" (not to mention profits of only $3B) Sorry, just bored ;-)