Internal Rate of Return Question

Discussion in 'Trading' started by matador04, Feb 8, 2008.

  1. If I have various cashflows to analyze, can I use VBA to give me an internal rate without having to enter "Values(1) = 20000: Values(2) = 20000)"? Say I have 360 identical cashflows in one sheet, 60 cashflows in another, etc. Is there some kind of summation loop I can use?? This is what I have, but I'm trying to make it more efficient.

    Dim Guess, Fmt, RetRate, Msg
    Static Values(6) As Double
    Guess = 0.01
    Fmt = "#0.00"
    Values(0) = -70000
    ' Positive cash flows
    Values(1) = 20000: Values(2) = 20000
    Values(3) = 20000: Values(4) = 20000
    Values(5) = 20000: Values(6) = 20000
    RetRate = IRR(Values(), Guess) * 100
    Msg = "internal rate for six cash flows "
    Msg = Msg & Format(RetRate, Fmt) & " percent."
    MsgBox Msg
  2. PolarTim


    This syntax may be a bit rough:

    Dim count As Integer

    For count = 1 to 360
    Values(count) = 20000
    Next count

    You can replace the 360 and the 20000 with variables, to make the loop more general.

    I hope that's what you were asking. IRR is calculated using an iterative process, so there isn't a very elegant solution to the calculation itself, given you've already populated the Values array.

  3. Thanks Tim