Interesting Prop Firm

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by InyOutty, Mar 4, 2003.

  1. How does DSS differ from what TS7 does?

    How does XTS differ from what eSignal does? (combining analysis with direct access)
    #31     Mar 6, 2003

  2. "Decision support software" (DSS) is a general term that typically applies to any trading application that "supports" a traders idea generating process. TS7, Neovest, Instinet Analytics, and Bloomberg are a few examples of decision support platforms.

    XTS is another example of DSS--in this case, a dedicated trade filtering platform. XTS's value is in idea generation using a broad range of data points, pattern recognition features, and specialized data fields and functions. ESignal has trading system features as well. The main difference is in types of trading opportunities each can uncover, and in the method (and efficiency) that those ideas are displayed and automated.

    #32     Mar 6, 2003