Interesting Explanation of Taxes and Wealth Distribution

Discussion in 'Economics' started by DallasCowboysFan, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. MoreLeverage, luisHK, KeLo and 2 others like this.
  2. tomorton


    Love it!
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.
  3. luisHK


    Good clip, thanks for the link.
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.
  4. carrer


    Summary: Socialism doesn't work.
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.
  5. tomorton


    I already held this belief but how do you get this from this clip?

  6. I guess it has to do with the idea that a man with more money is responsible for subsidizing another man's interests. ...the rich man has to pay more because he makes more ?
    carrer likes this.
  7. Taxing consumption could be an interesting conversation.
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.
  8. It's that basically an income tax?

    One thing we could do to stimulate the economy and savings is to eliminate the tax on savings.
    Why should someone be penalized for doing the right thing?
    And yeah that would also include prohibiting negative interest rates like they have in EU.
  9. Humpy


    Isn't that forgetting that everyone needs spending money for food, lodgings etc.
    So the poor man pays no tax but still has unavoidable expenses.
    The rich man would barely notice paying more tax as he has plenty afterwards even living in luxury.
    Whereas the poor men are desperately short of basic needs.
    Socialism redistributes income, much needed by the desperately poor.
    So all you poor guys living in the storm drains of Las Vegas and the like. there is hope but not a lot if you live in the USA. Because the rich 3% hog about 90% of the wealth and are not giving it away willingly.
    When AI kicks in and unemployment is about 80% things may change with or without the consent of the rich.
  10. Sig


    And also ignores that most of us with wealth only got it because of the infrastructure, rule of law, public our country all paid for by taxes. So the more you have the more you relied on taxpayer funded stuff to get that wealth, so even if you insist on "fair" above all it's "fair" to pay more taxes when you benefited the most from the things those taxes bought.
    #10     Apr 24, 2018
    Gotcha likes this.