Interesting article

Discussion in 'Options' started by Maverick74, May 13, 2004.

  1. amc3141


    do i care how many expired worthless? isn't he asking the wrong question?

    he says roughly 75% expired worthless, so what?

    if I write 5 options strikes for avg $1 premium per strike . . . 4 expire worthless and one expires 6 dollars in the money, am I crowing that i was right on 75% of my writes?

    his study needs to look at some weighted average expiration intrinsic vs premium value
    #11     May 20, 2004
  2. def

    def Sponsor

    was thinking the same thing. there is also a maximum return that one can gain via selling an option vs the potentially unlimited return you can gain via buying an option.
    #12     May 20, 2004