Interest Rate and LIBOR on Kraton

Discussion in 'Taxes and Accounting' started by BuySellSideTrader2020, Jan 31, 2019.

  1. I can not for the life of me calculate the interest expense for Kraton Corp. (KRA) for the 2016 fiscal year.

    • 1. Question
    1. Manually calculate Kraton Corp’s (ticker:KRA) **CASH** interest expense for its fiscal year 2016. NOTE: This is a different company than what you are assigned

      You want to calculate each quarter of interest expense one by one using the 10Qs.

      Q1, Q2, Q3 you can easily calculate by go through each of the corresponding 10Qs.

      For Q4, you have to use the 10K.

      Add all of them together to calculate interest expense for the year

      BIG HINT: The interest rate on the term loan is NOT 5%. And don’t forget to divide by 4 when you calculate each quarter

      HINT: Debt does NOT equal liabilities. For a list of items that are considered debt that you would use for this question, refer back to the lesson.

      HINT: This will NOT equal the interest expense from the income statement

      HINT: You will want to calculate the interest expense for each quarter and add them all up to get the full year (make sure you divide by 4 when doing each quarter)

      Your answer should be in thousands. If you did it right, the answer should be a six digit number.

      Round to the nearest hundred (Example: $100,467 would round to $100,000)
    2. 2. Question
      What is the **TRUE** Principal Amount on Kraton’s Term Loan as of December 31, 2016?

      Enter your answer in thousands. If you did it right, your answer should be a seven digit number.

      NOTE: This will be the value the term loan was issued at. If you’re doing this right you will NOT be pulling the answer from a table

      4. Question
      What is the **TRUE** outstanding amount on Kraton’s term loan before any original issue discount or issuance costs as of December 31, 2016?

      Should be a 7 digit number if correct