Interactive Brokers to make significant investment in OneChicago

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by JayS, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. ok ... another nutjob to put on ignore for me

    no not you DEF !!

    ET has some yahoo message board weirdos sometimes ( sigh )

    #11     Mar 19, 2006
  2. I must be missing something. I've been an IB customer since 2000.

    What is it about IB that brings out the kooks and lunatics?

    Must be that 1/2 cent a share.
    #12     Mar 20, 2006
  3. you get what you put out.
    i notice that none of ya disputed the statement abt the stk mkt top.
    as i mentioned previously, i have used ib's ventures as a contrary indicators for my investments. and my returns have performed very well. frankly, i don't care whether ib does well or not.
    #13     Mar 20, 2006
  4. def

    def Sponsor

    I somehow question your sincerity when you state: "I don't care whether IB does well or not" but maybe, just maybe, I read too much into things.

    In any event, I'll re-post the idiotic comment you deleted/edited:

    I'll now go out on a limb and state that you made no such contrarian bet in 1999. But maybe you did and I'm very impressed. I thought our returns that year were pretty good. But as you don't, yours must have been exceptional.
    #14     Mar 20, 2006
  5. you make a great mouthpiece for the impeachable bush administration. you tried so hard to ensure that nobody impugn on ib's image. ps, try to read up on bobbrinker's newsletter. even your boss peterfly would be enlightened.
    #15     Mar 20, 2006
  6. Stock futures are just an end-run around changing Reg T. It would be much simpler to just keep the liquidity of the equities exchanges and just let people use more leverage.

    Of course the downside is you have to pay a haircut on equities leverage as a retail customer but not on futures.

    #16     Mar 23, 2006
  7. is timberhill now or going to be a MM in SSF's?

    will there be any difference if they do so to
    the typical IB customer ? better fills ?

    tighter spreads in SSF's ?
    #17     Mar 23, 2006
  8. Why not just open up the levees on the next bull market and issue ssf's on the highly speculative mid cap issues? Liquidity would ensue.

    If the ssf's were denominated in larger sizes like 10k, they might gain traction for institutions that hedge big caps. Perhaps? I mean they would be cheaper than option commissions with maybe about the same spread if they were well received.
    #18     Mar 23, 2006