Interactive Brokers has NO respect for your privacy!

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by mgregor, Jun 20, 2001.

  1. I have no idea. At your end, if the email comes in at work (if you place trades from work you'd like to get your confirms there, that's how I do it anyway), then it depends on your company. Some keep backups of all emails for years, some for 3 months and so on. In between the email sender and receiver, it depends on each server's owner. You could have several copies with different lifetimes out there, or none at all. Who knows? It's like having postards in the mail. You know that postal workers have better things to do than read them, and they're mostly handled by sorting machines. But if there's a naked lady on the postcard, maybe it will be read by more people :)
    #41     May 6, 2002
  2. Def, Here's an encrypted email solution that works well. It's also compatible with PGP, (automatic) so user doesn't have to be a computer jock to use it. Probably would be a cost to implement the service commercially. Right now u can get a free personal email address. Try it out and see what u think.
    #42     May 6, 2002
  3. I hear on this board: "IB bad here. IB bad there."
    However, I would not want to see your faces (and mine...) if IB announces tomorrow to close down retail brokerage activities.
    If you really had reasons to complain, you would have another broker already now.
    so either) shut up; or) be less aggressive
    #43     May 6, 2002
  4. Mishka


    Def, you said there have been no identity thefts or problems with someone logging into or stealing info from someone else's account.
    My account from IB almost been cleaned out as early as today, someone changed e-mail, tried to wire out most of my funds. No answer I had from them how it may happend.
    #44     May 6, 2002
  5. Mishka, why don't you post it to the IB's discusson board?

    You might get a faster response from IB on this issue.

    -- ITZ
    #45     May 6, 2002
  6. def

    def Sponsor

    please send me an e-mail with your account number, etc. which I will forward immediately to compliance and legal. If you care to keep your privacy, send a mail to

    I was referring to someone stealing info from an e-mail when I posted. In any event, i'll ask the help desk to look for the mail and will alert legal.
    #46     May 6, 2002

  7. If someone does get access to your account and transfers your
    funds out by wire who is responsible for the loss? IB or the
    account holder?
    #47     May 7, 2002
  8. def

    def Sponsor

    I really do not know. I imagine it would have to be investigated. There are so many variables. For instance, what if the hacker obtained information from your PC or from a piece of paper you threw in the trash? Hard to prove but should the firm pay?

    What if someone colluded with someone else - ie. client A gives Mr. X all his account info. Mr. X changes the info and client A complains when funds are wired to Mr. X.?

    Unfortunately we live in a society where there is always someone who thinks they are above the law. As a result, firms and insurance companies need to be defensive.
    #48     May 7, 2002
  9. Hopefully IB works on security measures for its account holders
    as much as protecting itself. How often does IB advise clients
    to change their password?
    #49     May 7, 2002