Interactive website down/server not found from Europe?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by ZZ Trader, Jul 22, 2021.

  1. ZZ Trader

    ZZ Trader

    I tried to connect from two different mobile phones with two different providers, no wi-fi used and then tried with PC from home wi-fi, using a third provider, I can't connect to their website.

    Is anyone encountering any issues?
    I am accessing from Europe.

    I also get an error message when loading the Performance Graph from IB TWS (attached), I have used this a lot every day, for months, never seen this error before.
    The problem is NOT on my network.
  2. ZZ Trader

    ZZ Trader

    Thank you
  3. W-M-A


    working now! Had issues with them as well, but active now.