Inside the Industry - Chat w/ Don Bright

Discussion in 'Events' started by Andre, Mar 10, 2003.

  1. If you are afraid or unwilling to answer the questions I put forth, that is of course your option.

    The techniques you use in your defense/attack methodology, don't work with me. Passive aggressive behavior is so obvious once you begin to understand how the mind works to defend itself in a denial state.

    Also, I am sure you know that what the "rest of the ET world thinks about me" is of no consequence to my sense of right and wrong. When it comes to issues, I ignore public opinion and focus on reason, logic, common sense, and data. Surrendering to public opinion would be akin to Bush giving into the French. Have your brokers condemn me as much as you like. It is immaterial.

    I find the more people get upset and focus on me when I bring up issues of their credibility and ethical nature, the closer I am getting to a button that can be pushed because it is wired to the truth.

    But feel free to use whatever you think makes you look more professional.

    It has been your habit pattern in the past to become emotional and fly off the handle, so why should this time be any different?

    Attack me all you like, it won't answer the questions I put forth to you based on what you said last Thursday.

    Again, I am working on the questions, whether or not you address them is your choice.
    #51     Mar 17, 2003
  2. It was free.

    But so is an infomercial on broadcast T.V.

    The difference between an informational program, and an infomercial is in the underlying agenda.
    #52     Mar 17, 2003
  3. Don, although you quoted me, i dont think it was really aimed at me, but just to clear the post was mostly in jest...but when i scrolled through the chat log it did seem kind of chaotic.

    Many people here may question Don's sincerity and intentions, but in any event, i can definitley say i have MADE MONEY by listening to and talking with him, and isnt that the true, perhaps only litmus test in this business...
    where else can a new trader go to get good advice from a knowledgable source with many years experience for free..and even if, as the cynics proclaim, they have to listen to a plug for bright, so what, they are getting getting quality advice for free, he deserves any plug for putting in the time to help someone... its good business for bright, but its also good for our industry by attracting and encouraging new traders regardless of where they trade a growing industry helps us all.
    although i dont know don very well, do i question his motives? maybe its a little bit of both desiring to help and to throw in a plug, but frankly i dont care because bottom line Don helps me make money. Dont look a gift horse in the mouth! Thanks for the help Don!
    #53     Mar 17, 2003
  4. Tacsian


    If you do ever switch to audio chats...well you might be cutting out a few of us Gallaudet Univ. the deaf traders like myself. Prefer to see text logs

    Just my 2 cents
    #54     Mar 17, 2003
  5. Don Bright (Mar 13, 2003 4:41:55 PM)
    When the market was 4000 points higher some traders were trading 1000 share lots, and are still doing so….even when the price of their stocks has come down from $75 to $20, they wouldn't increase share size….and they should. Our pricing structure, which caps commissions at 2500 shares per trade, allows for larger trades to be done virtually for free (shares in excess of 2500 shares per trade). So, basically, adapt to the market, and adjust your size accordingly.

    Virtually free? Is that like virtually accurate? Virtual hyperbole? Virtual honesty? Virtually ethical?
    #55     Mar 18, 2003
  6. I apologize, and please excuse me if I made a mistake in quoting. I was having a "bad day" (as they say)....not trading, just health stuff....and sometimes I get a little upset....I am back to normal, whatever that is, and still confident in the fact that I we run our business in a positive way, and that what some call "marketing tactics" - I prefer to call education (which may cause attraction). The more you know, the better decisions traders can make.

    Anyway.....I kind of like the idea of an audio chat, or Paltalk, with

    Bring on the questions, about the market or trading.....leave the personal stuff, or internal business information alone....and I'm here to help!!

    #56     Mar 18, 2003
  7. Yes, and once again, thank you for validating my point. We have a "cap" at 2500 shares, no more commissions (for those who choose this plan, the bigger traders)but,....sec fees may therefore "virtually free"....see, since I am "not an alias" I have to be sure that I am being truthful, and to say "totally free" would not be accurate on the sell side.

    I am hoping to see your "self portrait"...since you have made many representations of me....."show me yours.".....


    #57     Mar 18, 2003
  8. So you are saying that you were not accurate as you didn't mention possible SEC fees. There are SEC fees on shares beyond 2500, correct? It is not necessarily free to trade shares beyond 2500.

    I am sure since the SEC is watching, that you want to be exact.
    #58     Mar 18, 2003
  9. Thank you again for the validation....thus my words "virtually free."....Keep up the good work.....just find an easier target...there are a million real "snake oil types out there"....and we, together, could "bring them to their knees" I mentioned before......Timothy Leary (you), and G. Gordon Liddy (me, old guy)


    (anticipated response: "Don is a master, and is trying to lure me into agreeing with him, just like a salesman"....but, if you just lighten up, you might find out that I am serious....)

    #59     Mar 18, 2003
  10. Thus your words "virtually free" were a way of saying the trades beyond 2500 are not free.

    Non hypesters say, "the fees beyond 2500 shares are only whatever SEC fees may apply."
    #60     Mar 18, 2003