Informal Class This Evening w/ Brandon Fredrickson

Discussion in 'Events' started by Brandonf, Jul 10, 2002.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I have been basicly overwhelmed with people asking how to trade the News Stocks I have been listing here each morning on my News You Can Use Thread

    So, this evening at 9pm CST I will come into the ET Chatroom and give a class on how to trade using the news and the list I provide. See you there.

  3. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I will also talk about the gaps. I do about 70% of my trading right off the open, and make the majority of my profits off the gap. I have a study which includes all gaps in the Nasdaq for the last several years. I will give some added info about that as it relates to the short I gave on my thread. Here was the actual trade from my chatroom.

    [08:27] <brandon> 08:27:45 cst DAY TRADE: (Based on daily and intraday setups. Holding period = several minutes to several hours. Closed by end of day) SHORT SETUP Nasdaq traders could start to work shorts. Stops AT 1017.
    [08:28] <brandon> 08:28:10 cst DAY TRADE UPDATE: Nasdaq last trade 1011.
    [08:28] <brandon> 08:28:50 cst DAY TRADE UPDATE: Nasdaq target will be 1004
    [08:33] <brandon> 08:33:04 cst DAY TRADE UPDATE: Nasdaq take profits
    [08:33] <brandon> 08:33:09 cst DAY TRADE UPDATE: Nasdaq 1004
    [08:33] <brandon> 08:33:39 cst DAY TRADE UPDATE: Nasdaq Nice trade guys!

    See you guys tonight.

  4. lundy


    I love gaps, I'll be there brandon. thanks for taking the time to share. I'm also playing the gap this morning.

    from my new weblog:

    9:31 - gap was up. I expect there to be closure, and then rally.

    9:18 - looks like the gap will be up.

  5. Sounds like a great Idea BrandonF.......I use and NewsWatch....I dont trade news but would like to hear what you have to say.
  6. I cant be there. Will there be a transcript available?
  7. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    How do you get transcipts? It'll be a good class, just info on using the setups...but Im not sure how to get transcipts from ET.

  8. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Good traders are the ones who have an edge and know what that edge is. The best traders I know pick a few setups or markets and learn them inside and out. Its like picking a major in college.

    Used correctly trading off News can provide traders a HUGE edge. If you want some proof look at my most recent ET Thread News You Can Use.

    Tonight in the ET Chatroom I will be sharing with members of ET my News Setups and Tactics. I wont BS you, I wont give you a sales pitch. After you come to the class, you will be able to trade what I give you tomorrow. You will be able to drop every trading site you are a member of if you want. You will have the TOOLS to make money.

    You have my word that this will be the best lesson ever given in the ET Chatroom. It might just be the most valuable thing you have come across on the Internet (I will be surprised if its not at the very least the best free lesson you ever find) It will also be better than what you get at most $1000 seminars. I dont ask for anything in return.

    The class will start at 9pm CT in the Elite Chatroom. See you guys there.

  9. will Baron be able to provide a transcript? 10pm is WAY past my bedtime.:D
  10. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    #10     Jul 10, 2002