
Discussion in 'Economics' started by dealmaker, Jan 12, 2018.

  1. dealmaker


  2. Overnight


    Who is that guy, and why do we care about him and his Tweets? Does he get paid to spew that stupid?
  3. Overnight


    I can jargonate like nobody else on the planet. Just say the word, and you will be a billionaire based just off of my flatulence.
  4. dealmaker


    He has actual cash in the bank and lot's of it....
  5. Overnight


    "With wage growth accelerating, commodity prices in a bull run, and fiscal stimulus of tax cut about to take effect, there is surprisingly little talk about inflation. Perhaps market too complacent after so many incorrect inflation predictions over past 8 years."


    Where was this guy 6 months ago when commods were stale? Where was this guy before the tax plan was signed? Market too complacent? Oh, perhaps! And how much does this asshole get paid to guess about the world each month? He's a maroon!

    I can make the same predictions, which may be wrong, for half the price! Hire me! I have the same qualifications, because I read the same news feeds!

    Bloody hell, we're all doomed.
    matthewyoung likes this.
  6. dealmaker


    The difference is he is a well known trader whose legendary exploits on the Amanrath debacle has made him a house hold name and he quit on top....
  7. Overnight


    But what is it doing for us lately?
  8. dealmaker


    He is obviously entertaining you otherwise we would not have this banter....
  9. Overnight


    Legendary! Groovy man.
  10. Jackpot


    Question about hyperinflation. Seeing as securing low interest debt when rates are rising will effectively wipe debt out, would a LEAP option be the equivalent of securing an underpriced asset before estimated hyperinflation targets are realized by the masses and therefore generate substantial rates of return on a real basis? EDIT: spelling
    #10     Jan 13, 2018