Inflation has heated up Big-Time

Discussion in 'Economics' started by hayman, Sep 11, 2012.

  1. Inflation is all around us. The OP listed plenty of examples. If you meant "wage inflation", perhaps I'd agree (BUT ONLY in the private sector). The public sector and their union cronies see fit to increase pay regardless of the struggles of the taxpayers.

    Me thinks you are just another public sector leach with your "no inflation" mantra.
    #11     Sep 11, 2012
  2. LOL

    Instead of repeating things like "inflation is nowhere, you kids these days, you don't know what it's like to live with inflation"

    How about post some facts. And please, don't forget to explain the difference between rising prices and inflation.

    Senility is a bitch.
    #12     Sep 11, 2012
  3. yeah that's right, check out the "Traders Union Initiative" for a $5 dollar contribution we are petioning congress to make sure traders get paid at least as much as school teachers.

    for ten dollars you can get a t shirt and a bumper sticker

    "Traders Are People Too"

    for $20 you get, "I Brake For Traders"

    and that includes "Trader on Board" with a little picture of the Big Whale
    #13     Sep 11, 2012
  4. piezoe


    #14     Sep 11, 2012
  5. I already told you. Inflation is something the Federal Reserve can try and do something about.

    Gosh dang, how many times do I have to go through this? How high do want them to raise rates until it finally rains in the midwest?

    If Israel declares war on Iran what should Ben Benanke do?

    Thank g-d I was educated before they invented the Department of Education.

    We use to think it was just an Orwellian joke. Now it is reality.
    #15     Sep 11, 2012
  6. ok Piezoe, good luck getting the Federal Reserve to change their policies based on "John Williams" website

    what was it? Shadow something?

    Everybody wants to bitch abut hgiher prices. My great grandfather complained about higher prices. That's just the way it works.

    I'm pretty happy with the Federal Reserve, and don't want them convening for an emergecncy meeting on the day after Thanksgiving because Barbie Dolls are now twice as expensive to buy children for Christmas gifts.

    Even though when you hang out at the old folks home like I do (trying to get a date) there are plenty of anecdotal stories about how expensive everything is getting.

    My favorite is telling them how I use to give the full service attendent a dollar and telling him, "Give me a pack of Camels and put the rest in the tank." (And that would keep me driving (and smoking) for a whole day.))
    #16     Sep 12, 2012
  7. You're right. Orwell would be proud that you could disassociate "rising prices" from "inflation".
    #17     Sep 12, 2012
  8. I don't know that much about it, but I know there is a difference between a drought and some kind of monetery crisis.
    #18     Sep 12, 2012
  9. If it were merely a "drought" commodity prices wouldn't have been trending higher for more than a decade. Oil was $10 per barrel in 1998. Face it, Greenspan/theBernank have been hellbent on re-flating asset prices for years now.
    #19     Sep 12, 2012
  10. well, you may have a point there. I trade the US Dollar and it does fluctuate. But it has been in a pretty narrow range for quite some time. Sometimes higher, sometimes lower. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

    But it is fun to imagine worse case scenarios. That's the only way to get any new attention.

    Nobody ever writes articles about me when I say it will probably just keep going the way it has been going.
    #20     Sep 12, 2012