Inexpensive Plan To Create Millions Of Jobs

Discussion in 'Economics' started by TraderZones, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. Legal immigrants has nothing to do with it. We are talking about ILLEGAL immigrants.

    the point is, that these are not normal times. When people talk about spending $500 billion to stimulate the economy, then it is FIRST time to extract people who are working here illegally.

    In the Depression years, several million Americans would be HAPPY for the jobs being done by illegals.

    When you have 3 kids and no income, you would be amazed what a long unemployed roofer would do to feed his family, including doing the work of migrant farmers or working in a processing plant.

    When you have an imbalance of labor, then give the legally-here Americans transportation and set them up in areas that have jobs being done by ILLegals. Procesing plants, farmers, whatever.

    Believe it or not, there are unemployed white collar workers, programmers, etc. already here who could do at least SOME of the work by Indians coming over here as new immigrants with their technical degrees. I worked with plenty of them in the past.

    The govt needs to expend SOME efforts to match some of these people already here, even if needing to asist them moving from Connecticut to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
    #31     Dec 8, 2008
  2. I have thought about this, but not seriously yet. For 6 years I have tried as hard as I can to maintain good credit. I didn’t realize Chase was even changing the rate until I got my statement. Now when WAMU sent my statement and said they were doubling my rate, I closed the account so that I could keep the current rate. That account started at $2000 limit, and I built it to over $12000. Now I can never use it. All that time is wasted, and I think closing the account hurts my credit score. Even though most of the cards are mostly maxed out, my credit score is still about 680. So if I ever pay them off it will go to over 750. Up until recently I have been able to comfortably make the monthly payments even though most of it was going to interest.

    What’s the worst that can happen if I stop paying? I know my credit will be all messed up Can they get a lien against my paycheck or assets?

    Let me be clear, this is my last resort. I pay my debts. I am an honest person, but how am I supposed to get ahead when they change the rules in the middle of the game?
    #32     Dec 8, 2008
  3. So it’s not my fault then? Of course I learned my lesson. I thought if I have perfect payment history, they won’t raise my rate. I was wrong. Imagine if your mortgage company came to you 3 years after your got you loan and said they were raising your so called original fixed rate because they deemed you were “in a higher credit risk” even though you had perfect payment history. They would never get away wih it, so why do credit cards company’s?
    #33     Dec 8, 2008
  4. Are my comments going to get deleted if I critisize a moderator? First off, credit is generally earned, not given. They give you a little bit, you prove faithful with that, and they trust you with more. I have perfect credit history. A college degree doesn’t prove anything, IMO. Does Bill Gates not qualify for a CC?

    I started the business with 5k in the bank and 20k in credit limit. I had enough for the first 2-3 months rent and expenses in cash and placed the initial 6k of inventory on the CC (this is standard business procedure). I worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week so I wouldn’t have to hire staff until I was profitable. 2 days off in 5 months. It’s an understatement that I didn’t sell much. Just cause you have a store in the mall doesn’t mean you get business. I believe I was plenty capitilized. I never though I would have had to tap the CC’s for anything but inventory.

    Three years later, almost every store in that mall is suffering. I was just 3 years ahead of everybody. My friend who has owned a large store there for 10 years, now owes the mall 50k in back rent. I don’t think they’ll kick him out because it will be too hard to find any replacement.

    On another note, I made back about half of my losses selling the inventory on eBay. Did I pay off the CC’s? You guessed it, I lost it in the market. Now that was dumb. Feel free to rip me for that.
    #34     Dec 8, 2008
  5. I agree with you, but I think you can use that argument for legal immigrants as well. I know we are a nation of immigrants, but it seems we have an open door policy. I deliver pizza. Every store I have ever worked at, probably more than half of the people there were immigrants. Don’t get me wrong, these people are good and hard working. But what does it say of the government when it allows all of these people to come here and take our jobs and depress the wages? If they weren’t here, the restaurants would never be able to hire enough people and would then increase pay to attract people. It’s simple supply and demand.
    #35     Dec 8, 2008
  6. Everyone who is not an original native American is technically an immigrant.

    But anyway, in this current time, our main problem is that demand for jobs is rapidly outpacing the supply of jobs.

    And some of the longterm unemployed who burned through their unemployment benefits would be happy just to have any kind of job, even 20 hours a week.

    And a number of the unemployed barely have a HS diploma and would be happy for any kind of work. Away from the suburbs and cities, many LEGAL construction workers - "Western european descent" not latinos, make only $10-$15 an hour with ZERO benefits, come hell or high water.

    Before spending $500 billion to create jobs, some could be created by enforcing the immigration law.
    #36     Dec 8, 2008

  7. First of all, the Mexicans have already mostly gone home since there's less work for them here. Secondly, preventing immigrants sure won't help that upside down population pyramid, will it? Especially since a.) jobs will still go abroad or disappear altogether if American labour becomes too expensive and b.) our schools continue to churn out geniuses who can't count to 10 and lack basic language skills.

    Have you ever heard of the smoot-hawley tarrif? Also..."stimulus" is merely a wealth transfer and stimulates nothing of any economic value. If it isn't, then you're going to have to explain to me how taking money out of one pocket and putting it in another ever stimulated economic growth.

    We tried that in the Soviet Union. Worked so well we went bankrupt. Turns out a job isn't worth much unless you're producing something of value. Who knew? Except everyone, that is.

    8) Cut off international aid. Spend that $20+ billion aiding those in THIS country who are still destitute.

    Agree on international aid as it usually goes to countries which are destitute because of the dumb government policies you're advocating in your post and actually hurts economic development in those countries. Robbing productive Americans to pay for unproductive Americans will only lead to more unproductive Americans and soon China will be sending us aid. That is you. I'll have immigrated to Asia by then.

    11) Why are we importing engineers, technicians and programmers from Poland and India? [/QUOTE]

    That can't be a serious question. American schools spit out morons who can't do arithmetic and can't even hope to ever pronounce "differential equation". Look at every engineering program in the country. You can count the Americans (whites especially) on one hand. We produce idiots because you can be an under-accomplished idiot in this country and still be elected president. In India, people too stupid to figure out a way to survive die.

    14) We import far more than we export. free trade seems to mean, "you sell to the USA, and don't really buy from the USA" New rule - unless it is raw materials or we absolutely need it, you must buy 70-80%, of what you sell here, back an American goods and services or pay the difference as a tariff price. Basically, our market is open, and much of the rest of the world depends on selling to the US, Europe or Japan. Do we need to be China's employment program??? They pretty much copy all our intellectual property and our movies, shows and software are pirated there.

    Feel free to add.

    Okay, I'll add to number 14. I buy a lot of stuff from my local Whole Foods. Yet, I sell my local Whole Foods NOTHING. There's a massive trade imbalance between us. In fact, there's a massive trade imbalance between Whole Foods and everyone in my neighbourhood. So, I'm proposing a new rule: until Whole Foods trades on my market (which, as a trader is the good I provide), I will not buy anything more from Whole Foods and I will impose that rule on all the other households in my neigbourhood too. Also, any trade imbalances between states, municipalities and even households need to be eliminated. That makes total sense, right?
    #37     Dec 8, 2008
  8. Huh...I don't think I got the hang of this quote thing yet. My attempt looks like the cut and paste job of a serial killer.
    #38     Dec 8, 2008
  9. talknet


    What I mean is that since 1950, Trillions of dollars must have been spent by NASA for Space & universe program.

    Moon and Mars mission did not benefit Mankind in any way. I think this was done for Status & rich people's adventure.

    I personally believe God lives in Universe/Space. If anybody tries to reach God's home then God will be ANGRY & destroy them.

    USA is NOT God and that USA should never think of becoming God.
    #39     Dec 9, 2008
  10. huh


    Have you thought about playing the balance transfer game? Just keep transferring the balance to 0% credit cards till you pay it off. With a credit score around 680 you should easily be able to get a new card every year. I've been floating CC balances for 13 years paying less than 5% interest. You should be able to knock that out with little interest paid.
    #40     Dec 9, 2008