Inexpensive Plan To Create Millions Of Jobs

Discussion in 'Economics' started by TraderZones, Dec 6, 2008.


    1) Find and send home all illegals. Employ border guards and build the fence along Mexico to keep them there. Mexico complains, but their own southern border tries to repulse Central Americans from coming in to find work.

    Now there are hundreds of thousands of construction, farm, factory and other jobs open. And less people on the dole. Throw out the stupid rule that foreigners bearing children in the USA automatically makes the kids citizens.

    2) Throw out any international agreement that allows any of the stimulus money to be spend on any foreign supplies, goods or services.

    3) Build a thousand highly automated factories to replace the significant stuff we buy from Asia. Let's build our own televisions, electronics, appliances, compact fluorescent bulbs, again. Doesn't matter if they are breakeven. A job is a job.

    4) Hire 300,000 currently unemployed people to go into all older or lower-class housing, and screw in free CFC bulbs, replace old, caulk, insulate, and START IT NEXT MONTH Replace older heating oil with "American natural gas" heaters. Now you don't need heating oil subsidies for the poor any more. Uses a lot less CO2 to boot.

    5) Give huge incentives to owners of LARGE older vehicles to turn them in and replace them with smaller new AMERICAN made vehicles. We can use the proposed cap and trade to do this, rather than cleaning up pollution in 3rd world countries to earn credits.

    6) Redo all levies in coastal cities that might turn into another katrina. Think what $5 billion would have done in New Orleans, saving us over $200 billion trying to house displaced residents and rebuild it.

    7) Build massive geothermal stations wherever there is good underground heat sources. Stop requiring so many years to start a nuclear power station. Come up with safe designs, and allow them to be built en masse. Stop arguing about keeping nuclear fuel safe for a million years, and stuff it into the place we already spend billions planning.

    8) Cut off international aid. Spend that $20+ billion aiding those in THIS country who are still destitute.

    9) Put a new $1.50 tax on gas or petroleum heating, to push the price back up near where it was, so people continue on this newfound energy efficiency binge, and actually make them cost competitive. Use the money to build the clean energy stuff.

    10) Start 500 new nursing schools in THIS country, since it is so hard to get into the existing ones (try it!!!). Then, there will be 10,000-50,000 new American nurses, instead of importing from other countries to finish the shortage.

    11) Why are we importing engineers, technicians and programmers from Poland and India? There are unemployed ones in THIS country! If we don't have enough, put more Americans who test well into these programs at schools. Build NEW schools if there isn't enough space for them, nad hire existing unemployed technical people to teach at them.

    12) Shut off immigration by those who have poor job skills or aren't relatively well off for the most part until things improve here. That is what some countries ALREADY do.

    13) Give Puerto Rico its independence and kiss it goodbye. You would not believe how many people there need public assistance.

    14) We import far more than we export. free trade seems to mean, "you sell to the USA, and don't really buy from the USA" New rule - unless it is raw materials or we absolutely need it, you must buy 70-80%, of what you sell here, back an American goods and services or pay the difference as a tariff price. Basically, our market is open, and much of the rest of the world depends on selling to the US, Europe or Japan. Do we need to be China's employment program??? They pretty much copy all our intellectual property and our movies, shows and software are pirated there.

    Feel free to add.
  2. harkm


    14) We import far more than we export. free trade seems to mean, "you sell to the USA, and don't really buy from the USA" New rule - unless it is raw materials or we absolutely need it, you must buy 70-80%, of what you sell here, back an American goods and services or pay the difference as a tariff price. Basically, our market is open, and much of the rest of the world depends on selling to the US, Europe or Japan. Do we need to be China's employment program??? They pretty much copy all our intellectual property and our movies, shows and software are pirated there.

    China obviously keeps their currency artificially low so they can have a competive advantage with our domestic producers. This is great for most least on the surface. We get cheaper products. However, this China policy has forced our domestic manufacturing to disappear over the years. Now we completely rely on them for everything. This will have to be addressed. Of course we will pay higher prices.
  3. These are among the most idiotic plans ever devised. Welcome to my ignore list.
  4. Hire 1 miilion of people like TraderZones to post BS at ET for $0.01/post.
  5. Within 1 minute of your plan being announced, China, Japan, and the EU would stop buying U.S. treasuries.

    Great plan for immediate worldwide depression and/or WWIII.
  6. Yes, your point by point analyses and alternative plans are impressive
  7. Now there's proof. We are already going into depression, thanks to offshoring our manufacturing and now our service basis.

    And you really think China would give up on the US market?

    We buy most of our own treasuries bills. And somehow, it would be better to stop BUILDING debt than to try to find people to buy it
  8. TraderZones,

    I'll probably be criticized for agreeing with you, but I do on most points. Your best points are:

    1) Find and send home all illegals.....

    8) Cut off international aid. Spend that $20+ billion aiding those in THIS country who are still destitute.

    11) Why are we importing engineers, technicians and programmers from Poland and India?

    12) Shut off immigration by those who have poor job skills or aren't relatively well off for the most part until things improve here. That is what some countries ALREADY do.

    13) Give Puerto Rico its independence and kiss it goodbye. You would not believe how many people there need public assistance.

    I will add the following:

    Start charging other countries for the defense we give them. I am talking about Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, etc. They charge us for their goods and services - we should charge them big money for our defense - I think they would pay it - they realize they simply can't defend their countries on their own. And I am saying if they don't pay us, we don't help them period. These countries and others should be paying a fortune for the military support we give them.

    Just so everyone knows, we spend billions helping to defend our "allies", who, yes like us, but do very little to help us (do you realize many of the counties "in" Iraq with us won't even engage the enemy whatsoever due to country rules - some help they are.)
  9. Yes. Japan, Germany, South Korea, wealthy Arab countries and others should pay the salaries, equipment and logistics costs for anything in their country designed to keep THEM safe.

    We allow them to keep their military smaller and they invest those savings in their own national interests and productivity

    And by the way; the way I would have handled the Iraq war, is to bomb every military and Saddam govt facility for a full week in the beginning (send in the stealth aircraft to first knock off their Senate, parliament, Presidential business first whhile they are normally in sesion to take out leadership

    Then drop a lot of military supplies into Kurdish and Shiite areas, and let THEM slug it out with the remains of Saddam's military, only providing airstrike support.

    Why in the world are we rebuilding Iraq and trying to win "the hearts & minds"? That was a failure from the start.
  10. ^^^^^^


    There is an infinite amount of work to be done. Therefore "jobs" do not need to be created. The question is one of whom does the deciding which tasks have priority and how does "money" transfer to achieve the tasks.
    #10     Dec 7, 2008