India to overtake China in 2020

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Yuvrajjj, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. I think India becoming a member nation of EU is a win-win proposition.
    #51     Aug 22, 2010

  2. Those poor chineese cant share photos of their own failure/inefficiency and so talking about India. Thats one are where India leads China :D -democracy.

    India blundered the mumbai terror attacks and took a economic loss of $2B... but see how many ministers were defamed in public and had to resign.

    "State media reported that Chinese drivers have become accustomed to the severe delays, noting a similar jam in July that slowed traffic for close to a month." :D How many chinese blogs do you find ranting about it? google says less than 10 out of about 172,000 results :D :D
    #52     Aug 23, 2010
  3. Nonsense. Democracy very rarely has anything to do with infrastructure and economic progress. Nepal amongst other countries have democracy but they go on protests and riots every 2-3 days, the whole of kathmandu is shut down, nothing works and opens except for select pharmacies. what use is this kind of democracy? Can you eat it? Can you fill your starving stomach with it?

    In fact, much of the western world first had economic progress and industrialization THEN democracy, when the British left India, they knew India would be a threat and so fucked it up by introducing democracy to them first.

    The end result is you have a large bunch of people quarreling over much ado about nothing. You can't even build a simple bridge/road in india without running into tons of oppositions from all sorts of groups and in the end, nothing gets done and everything is still 3rd world.
    #53     Aug 23, 2010
  4. Voting in elections is NOT democracy.
    #54     Aug 23, 2010
  5. Eight


    Genesis tells about the three branches and some sub-branches of the human race after the flood. It says that what is now the Indo Europeans will "prosper".. people that say "China is going to dominate" are full of shit, what do they know? Chinese and Blacks, + American Indians are Hamitic and Hamites live in dirt floor shacks for the most part... So far India has prospered in some ways, not like Europeans, but if I were picking a candidate to be the next Economic Europeans I'd pick India...
    #55     Aug 23, 2010
  6. India's development has come too late. When other countries will be thinking of wars, India will be thinking of development. There is creation and there is destruction (Mother nature's rule).
    #56     Aug 23, 2010
  7. Well lets take this debate in another direction.... Food

    Who has the better culinary cuisine India or China?

    India seems to have the widest selection of spices...
    China seems to have the most exotic meats... basically if it moves its food.

    I favor the Indian Sugar Bombs... Sweetest and most extravagant deserts.. some covered with a layer of silver foil.
    #57     Aug 23, 2010
  8. Looks like you forgot to take your meds. I can not believe people in civilized society would still take literally the absolute nonsense that is the genesis.

    It is beyond absurd to assert a little ship repopulated all the worlds animals and humans. These bible fantasies give Disney a run for their money. You must be a Southern Baptist or some type of evangelical republican loon.

    #58     Aug 23, 2010
  9. I think this decade is vital for India's growth ..Indians will enjoy more and more benefits of the economic reform in this decade and more power plants and better infrastructure will complete in this decade..but to be realistic i dont think we cannot overtake China ..because it is also growing but we can give her stiff competition ..
    #59     Aug 23, 2010
  10. Why india will not overtake china for a long time, if ever. Compare to china's hosting of the olympics - one of the grandest in the history. They couldnt even host a commonwealth game. The bridge collapsed and the roof collapsed too, 20 days before the start. On top of using unskilled workers, and blatant child labor etc. Watch the videos, what a disaster.

    I think india should stop trying to compete with china, and just stick to what they do best - export cheap IT workers to the USA to take over american jobs. Their computer science education is pretty good.
    #60     Sep 25, 2010