independent state

Discussion in 'Economics' started by morganist, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. morganist

    morganist Guest

    this might seem like an unlikely secenario but i was wondering your view.

    if the economic situation got worse in america and people got really pd off with the gov could states become independent again or is this either not possible or highly unlikely.
  2. What was that little event called again, the Civil War?
  3. 1) Radical political candidates could stir controversy by advocating such a thing.
    2) States that payout more federal taxes than they receive in federal benefits may consider it.
    3) Even then, citizens may be too afraid to secede from the US.
    4) You may hear of border-cities that want to "change" from one county to another or one state to another. :cool:
  4. Hard to say for sure.

    Texas and Montana have passed state gun laws in defiance of federal laws...

    3 counties in Texas opted out of Social Security system back in 1980(?)... didn't know that was possible...

    The founding of the country was based heavily on a "states' rights" theme with minimal federal government. But the power of the Feds of the years has grown to dwarf the original designs of the Founding Fathers and the US Constitution.. :( :(
  5. jjf


    you would need to be careful because now that the war on Iraq has been won there are 140,000 armed boys and girls with nothing to do.
    just imagine if they all came to a town near you
  6. morganist

    morganist Guest

    i mean know could it degenerate to split states again. perhaps a group of states.
  7. BSAM


    Highly unlikely now; highly likely a few years from now.
  8. I'm counting on it. :cool:
  9. Ten years before it happened - - it seemed almost impossible that the only other super power, the USSR would break apart. From what I've read, the leadership in China is also concerned about this possibility if economic conditions turned bad enough.
    - - - As for the Civil War - it is usually characterized as a war against slavery. Economist Thomas DiLorenzo who has written extensively on Lincoln refutes this. He wonders why, slavery (which increasing numbers of people opposed), was eliminated in most of the world without the kind of war that killed so many Americans . Investigate the subject, and you'll see that the union, not slavery was Lincolns concern. The agricultural south was heavily burdened by tariffs pushed through by nothern manufacturing interests. DiLorenzo quotes Lincoln (who was a well to do lawyer for the railroads). When asked if the southern states would be allowed to leave, Lincoln asked "But who will pay for the Union?"
    Given the outrageousness of history, who knows what might happen. But, I wouldnt call this absolutely impossible. The fact that the subject comes up often on web forums now is remarkable though. - - -
  10. all this doomsday talk makes me think we're closer to the bottom than most people think, lol.

    Yea, I'm being contrarian.
    #10     Nov 4, 2009