Incubator Program

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by jjproville, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. Hey Everyone - I am a new CTA. I have come across a couple of companies that offer incubator programs, where they monitor you for a few months and then decide if they want to fund you.

    This arrangement is great for my situation right now, and I am wondering if anyone can point me in the direction or name a few more companies that do the same thing.

    Glad to be here, this is my first post, and im happy to be a part of the community!:) :)
  2. Usually you need a track record of a few years. Not a few months.
  3. qtip


    Would you mind sharing more information on companies and how it works?

  4. Man in NY has a program I believe -- it might be in London. Give them a call and see if you meet their criteria...
  5. Hi Ssternlight,

    Checked the Man Group PLC website and cant seem to find anything relevant. Have you heard something specific about them?

    Just to clarify, im 100% FX.
  6. A friend from B-School runs the retail side of their US distribution business and he mentioned it to me.

    I couldn't find an easy link myself. I'll email him and pm you if I get anything you can use.
  7. Sounds great, thanks!
  8. bobanab2


    ssternlight, I would also be interested in the Man Group incubator program. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  9. I was not able to find any info myself either! Would also appreciate if anyone knew.

    Thanks for keeping the thread alive...

  10. Sorry guys,

    I blasted off an email and haven't heard back. I'll try to give him a call today.


    #10     Feb 5, 2007