Incredible 77 Full ES points Call/Prediction in less than 12 hours!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ML_QUANT, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. The OP runs away from demonstrating any REAL proof. He is trying to force people who say he is full of it to put up THEIR money when he himself admits to being a sim/paper trader and avoids the 8 or so different places I gave him to get independent auditing

    If it talks like a fake, and quacks like a fake, and runs away like a fake, then...
    #161     Dec 10, 2008
  2. Yep, another internet douchebag ... oh well.

    At least these people aren't trolling chat rooms for 14 year old girls.
    #162     Dec 10, 2008
  3. Don't count on it!!!!!!:mad: :mad:
    #163     Dec 10, 2008
  4. The amazing thing is, Quantie fights like a 3 year old child:

    -- He admits to using sim/paper trading, and then expects others to put up $10-$25K of their own money?

    -- Throws up a few numbers, and gives glowing reports of himself making large sums, but of course OTHER people need to tweeze through his stuff because of he claimed so? Since like 999 out of 1000 people making these claims are wackos, can he be THAT much of a dufous thinking others should believe him?

    -- Trades on a sim, and in the same breath talks about sipping wine as if he were Warren Buffet on his yacht?

    -- Repels independent auditing like the north ends of 2 different magnets.

    He fell out of the clueless tree, and hit every branch on the way down...

    I mean, SERIOUSLY. And ANYONE defends him???
    #164     Dec 10, 2008
  5. .
    ML Quant and his sim trade "Profit." Actually, cannot

    afford a PC yet, so must count on his toes...


    Don't you want to put up your real money now?... :D :D :D
    #165     Dec 12, 2008
  6. Been away for a few days and hadn't read these posts by a couple of losers whom apparently I have hurt their feelings badly....:D
    Hey, TraderDREAMZones, I'll give you pour, pathetic miserable soul a chance to make some real money. Here, little boy now, see if you even have half the courage of a 10 year old?!
    I'll give you 10 to 1 that is I'll give you $10,000.00 for every $1,000.00 of yours that you don't have neither can afford If you show us a single quote of mine where I have said I Sim Trade or paper trade! How about that you little coward? The same goes to your homeless little Dog friend Mandelshit.
    Now in the absence of any of you 2 accepting this bet then STFU and go barking in your little dog houses and stop making noise in the real Men's world!:p
    #166     Dec 16, 2008
  7. It is so sad that your poor judgment and reactionary behavior leads to the deterioration of this fantastic forum falling victim to the hands of Hooligans the likes of Mandel and Traderzone who manage to get the best of you every time and manipulate you so easily.
    Fin below the victory lap by Mandel who got you dance to his tune!:(

    #167     Dec 16, 2008
  8. If you weren't such a head case you wouldn't get such a reaction
    #168     Dec 16, 2008
  9. Why didn't ya'll just say 77 points in this market is dogshit, and move on the the next paper trader.
    #169     Dec 17, 2008