Income Tax is Unconstitutional

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by aeliodon, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. Not everyone wants to draw on those services. But people like yourself tend to think you know better and that everyone REQUIRES the same package of services from the government.

    One tax that I have no problem paying is the federal gasoline tax. I pay this tax willingly (not that I have a choice) because I use the roads. I directly benefit from the proceeds of this tax even though much of it is wasted and not really used to maintain roads. If I wasn't paying this tax to the government I would be be paying something (probably much less) to another entity who was maintaining the roads.

    But when it come to income taxes this is not the case. There are very few federal government services that I actually require however I'm paying for everything.
    #51     Dec 29, 2006