In the chaos of Iraq, one project is on target: a giant US embassy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by andrasnm, Oct 18, 2006.

  1. His brain is too miniscule to comprehend my ideas. Maybe yours too.

    Just answer me this: has Saddam Hussein been able to pursue his evil WMD plans or not? Wasn't that why we went into Iraq, so that we didn't wake up one day and find our children held hostage to an imminent threat of nuclear destruction from this madman?
    #21     Oct 20, 2006
  2. Couldn't they squeeze a golf course in there? Iraq has very nice weather most of the year, and it seems a bit harsh that visiting congressmen have to travel all the way to Dubai to get in some decent desert golf.
    #22     Oct 20, 2006
  3. They probably got a pitch'n put in there somewhere.
    I guess they have to make it like that (poor things) like a mini green zone.

    After all, you dont want diplomats dealing with reality.
    #23     Oct 20, 2006
  4. Something feels wrong with the price or wrong with the real estate value. Sorry, but 100A intown world city -- plus buildings -- is not 1B. True, infrastructure is a little degraded there right now but didn't 5M people live here at one time?

    And didn't we pay 1B years ago for the one in Moscow that never opened due to listening devices?

    Iraqis will burn it when they realize we didn't pay fair value. :p
    #24     Oct 20, 2006
  5. Another klansman tries to make up another excuse... pathetic low lives.
    #25     Oct 20, 2006
  6. So all the days of aerial bombardment, the DU bombs used, hundreds of tons of bombs dropped to destroy things, just what do you think is being destroyed- civllian infasctucture, or the imaginary WMD and milirary installations?

    Are you telling me the most powerful country and military in the world can't rebuild after all these years? That they are being beaten by a buch of guy with SMALL ARMS only?
    #26     Oct 20, 2006
  7. I agree Doc that this war was senseless and expensive in ways that dollars can't measure. Because of Iraq we may be saddled with a whacked out Dem majority in Congress for years. Bush has the GOP's blood on his hands.

    However just because something is viewed as a debacle isn't in itself a debacle-litmus test. WWll is "viewed" as America's greatest triumph but in reality all it did was create the Cold War which to a degree is still being waged today. I'd argue we've NEVER fought a war worth fighting, including the Civil War.

    This thing in Iraq (I don't know WHAT to call it) smacks of Rapturous, neo-con, Zionist protecting bullshit. I still think it was Saddam's support of Hammas that broke the camel's back. Naturally the admin had to be disingenuous over the fact that a bunch of Baptists felt compelled to fight one for the future of God's chosen people.

    Idiot's like tradermaj (or whatever the fuck his screen name is) harp about oil, oil, oil. Nothing to do with oil. If oil was the primary gig we'd be ousting Chavez. Instead and the Jew left HATES to admit this, it's all about Israel, Israel, Israel. If Zionist Israel didn't exist we wouldn't care anymore about Iraqi WMD's than we do about Pakistani nukes. Hell anyone who recognizes that abortion is a great way to preemptively kill off trailer park trash and schvartzes KNOWS that the prospect of Islamic nations blowing each other up is a reason to REJOICE.

    We don't care about Kurds, Shia and Sunni's anymore than we care about Sudanese, Senegalese or Sri Lankans. But if Zionism was harbored yet threatened deep in Africa we'd be fighting there instead. This ain't about oil. It's a holy war and we're as schizophrenically wrong for using that as a reason as are the Jihadists.
    #27     Oct 20, 2006