In search of a TT-API developer

Discussion in 'App Development' started by NewTrader2022, May 26, 2023.

  1. Does anyone know of a forum to search for (and connect with) TT-API (or similar) developers? I have my own algo I developed in C# (black box) and would like help interfacing it (and testing it) with the TT-API (or similar). Searched Upwork etc. with no luck. Not super latency sensitive.
  2. MarkBrown


    sorry i have to laugh - good luck - even tt can't help you.
    spy likes this.
  3. 'Would love to understand and learn. Why laugh?
  4. Did you try MultiCharts support ? That comes in my mind here when I see your question. They have experts in interface programming, but they are not cheap and maybe you need to wait a bit until they have free time. Best way is to ask them on support forum or better per email.
    NewTrader2022 and MarkBrown like this.
  5. spy


    Well, IMHO it's because you're dealing with the so-called "lemon problem". There is huge adverse selection when looking for so-called "good developers". The actual good developers already have very high paying jobs (that they've developed for themselves)... right? You know of any good developers who aren't already retired or working full-time making less than 250k/yr? New grads are getting 6 figures to learn on the job. Seriously, so...

    When you go into the market, and don't know that much about developing software yourself, you can't bring yourself to pay good money for fear of getting ripped off. Because of this, the good developers leave the market and all that's left are the crap developers... and they're not worth paying at all. It's a vicious cycle and, again IMHO, why the market for "good developers" is perpetually tighter than a virgin's sphincter.

    Forget the junk you read about the "massive layoffs" in tech... those were "sideline" people who were hired to sit the bench as investments. Again, they already have tons of money and the next job they take they'll want to get paid for mostly sitting around.

    You want to see a proof.... I'm a good developer, honestly, I rip; know a bunch of different languages built AI models 20 years ago when it wasn't in vogue... now basically retired living off income generated from a custom trading system (that, coincidentally, took 20 years to develop). I'll work for you but you need to send me a $10k check in advance and I'll deduct $350/hr off your retainer as we work together... you ready to start? Didn't think so.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
    TrAndy2022 and rb7 like this.
  6. rb7


    How much are you willing to pay for that type of work?

    Like spy said, there ain't such thing as a free lunch!
    spy likes this.
  7. ZBZB


    Last edited: May 26, 2023
  8. There sort of is, if you can wait then you can find a good dev on those boards who has just joined up and looking for good reviews instead of high rate.
    Once they have positive reviews they can up the rate and start charging $50 or $150 an hour.
    Last edited: May 26, 2023
  9. You
    tradestation easy language?
  10. spy


    Well, not really... because you may end up paying them $15/hr for a pretty long time just screw things up. There's always risk.

    The point re: the market for lemons is, there's massive information asymmetry and if you can't spot the good from the bad on your own, you're basically out of luck. IMHO you've got to get good enough to make your own judgments and then partner with others, instead of looking at devs like they're commodities.
    #10     May 26, 2023
    rb7 likes this.