Important times during a trading day

Discussion in 'Trading' started by chart pig, Mar 9, 2019.

  1. chart pig

    chart pig

    I don't day trade per se. I do it but am far from a day trader. So, to any day traders, what are all of the key times you watch during the trading day?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. Important for what?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  3. 11:45am, b/c that's when I leave to pick my daughter up from preschool.
  4. chart pig

    chart pig

    I don't know!! haha. I only know some day traders watch specific times during the day for algo trades or key times wall street does something of notice. I know the times toward the end of the day when margin calls go out to hedge funds but from open until 2:30pm day traders are always talking about "key times" for certain events??
  5. chart pig

    chart pig

    genius. there is a designated time i take a dump, but the market isn't following that indicator!
  6. zdreg


    you are skipping the opening of the lunchtime trade. what do you do with your open positions?
  7. Overnight


    Depends on the instrument you're trading.
  8. chart pig

    chart pig

    SPY options primarily but stock options as well.
  9. Overnight


    Whoops, out of my league.
  10. chart pig

    chart pig

    we could narrow it down to the equity market if that helps?
    #10     Mar 9, 2019
    murray t turtle likes this.